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Everything posted by d12

  1. d12

    Approaching Asymptote

    haha ;P but thx for the answer
  2. d12

    My feature wish list

    nice to hear that the anti scroll is done a suggestion for the non quality gem looting would be to integrate exceptions for gems into the pickit. so only loot gems with q and some u can add as exceptions. just a check for the gem name. so anyone can loot whatever he wants.
  3. d12

    My feature wish list

    1. no scroll looting would be rly cool and as i guess not too hard to implement into the pickit 2. socket/linked looting is on its way i think. theyr missing the linked mem pos. 3. quite nice, but not rly important i would say. works great like it is atm. 4. nice idea, but i would say its alot more efficient to just kill monsters. also vendors dont change their items often (on lvlup and about once a day. not a big deal in profit in my opinion)
  4. d12

    some ideas from another bot

    wow great work for just pixel based bot
  5. d12

    A question about drop rate

    seems like alot of ppl are farming city of sarn merciless.
  6. d12

    Is there any window8 bot user here?

    sry for this, but thats kinda the dumbest thing i heard for years... ;Pand i doubt its single cored if u bought it last year
  7. d12

    Is there any window8 bot user here?

    1. single cored doesnt mean its a slow pc 2. still confusing that there are still pcs out there which are single cored and can run poe (cause of the graphics) 3. guess win8 support will get better sonner or later. 4. run the bot within a win7 vm and ur problem is fixed. (use vm ware player since as i know the win8 integrated vm tool doesnt support 3d graphics)
  8. d12


    totem itself is a bad idea at this state of the bot since it doesnt support proper totem use yet. and i dont recommend using ur main account for botting. make a nub account, verify it, make a duelist leap slammer (exilepro kripps build) and have fun.
  9. d12

    Is there any window8 bot user here?

    best combatibility on win7
  10. d12

    Tips and Tricks

    the min and max distance for the skills
  11. d12

    Just a question about BAN

    thats quite dumb of GGG to ban like this. but as i know a vpn helps here.
  12. d12

    Next release

  13. d12

    Approaching Asymptote

    btw. since reingenineering seems to be kinda hard on poe. means they did the source especially to prevent botters? or they just got fag programmers and their source is a chaos so u cant find anything anyways? xD just curious if u can somehow get an idea of how the source looks like when u reengineer (or whatever this word looks like ).
  14. d12

    Just a question about BAN

    said it a few times before, but ill just say it here again i dont think that GGG has alot of automatically bot detection yet.
  15. d12

    Next release

    "2 cool things" or "too cool things" ;P
  16. d12

    Approaching Asymptote

    we are doing nothin against it yet. starting over new chars is one possibility or just try to gear ur char so he accidently dies sometimes. chicken turned off or rly low.
  17. d12

    Pathing Helper

    awaiting ur call
  18. d12

    Just a question about BAN

    few other things which are quite not totally true. 1. its kinda irrelevant for GGG to check wether an account is logging off all the time, or making a new instance all the time. its kinda the same for them to check. so preventing logout doesnt help anyways. trying to run as long as possible within one instance might help tho. but not cause GGG checks us automatically. its more the fact, that its looking less suspicious to other players so they wont report u. 2. making different accounts to let the bot run 12/7 and 12/7 for example doesnt help either. since GGG can easily check which ip address is online how often. so several accounts dont help. 3. im not quite sure about this one, but cant they just check ur mac address? which would fuck u instant if ur not using a vm? or they can only check the mac address of the router (which actually wouldnt be a problem like u said alrdy) or can they check some kind of mac address of ur lan card (which would be obviously a problem)? there has to be other ways to ban ppl permanently than using so called "ip ban" since thats quite useless. if i got some shit wrong ur welcome to correct me and help me to learn this kind of stuff. i just suck if it comes to networking things. d12
  19. d12

    Just a question about BAN

    ofc if ur simply using ur main and ur bot on the same ip. and no it doesnt matter if ur using at the same time or not. ip is the same. run the bot in a vm and/or with proxy/vpn.
  20. i know how the maths work lol the idea is, that even if u lvlup/change gear/somehow get more mana it stays on ur wanted number.
  21. d12

    Approaching Asymptote

    i know this isnt super constructive, but a hint to everyone BEFORE posting (@bowflax): try to read atleast a few posts before posting things which are obviously in work alrdy. thx
  22. i dont get anything in ur post. so an example: atm i set the mana usage to lets say 25%. so if my total mana is 400 the pot gets used if my current mana is lower than 100. the idea is to set the pot usage to a fixed value. so for example i set mana usage to 50 (because my skill uses 50 mana). so it doesnt matter what my total mana amount is. the pot will always get used if my current mana is lower than 50. hope its clear what i mean now
  23. d12

    Just a question about BAN

    ur banned account was verified? and i guess u just got banned on ur internal ip address. they wont ban everyone using ur router. simplest way is to use a vm with bridged mode. and if u want to be super save use a proxy or vpn access. i highly doubt that the bot config lets u get banned more/less often. yes if u run through the city parts it might be a higher chance, that some random player reports u for some reason, but im running 30sec monster no kill, and just got banned on a non verified account yet. d12
  24. d12

    NEW PATCH today Thursday 01/08

    rly guys? ur rreading this post and still asking why the bot isnt working? us ur brain...
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