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Everything posted by d12

  1. btw. which res are needed for docks? (havent been there for ages ) fire only?
  2. d12

    easy way to avoid the trash items

    left mouse button walk only, right mouse button atk skill, alt to loot enabled in the bot andfig AND in the poe client. this should fix the problem. otherwise just go back to the chess system / 2line system.
  3. d12

    Kill Switch

    close bot AND close client => reopen BOTH AGAIN ^this is doing the trick
  4. just use some botted curreny to upgrade a bit of gear. for a leap slam build u can go for max 5chaos per piece and ur fine for kinda anything.
  5. doesnt matter where ur botting. all about luck. just do the common ones which work good without path finding
  6. in my opinion its not a bad idea, but rly unnecessary. since ur not lvling that fast most of the time. yes u get alot of lvls when u start. somewhere between 1-40. but it doesnt matter if u dont skill them immediatly. after those lvls u can go afk rly long before u get that many skill points so it would matter not to skill them. in my opinion low-no priority.
  7. d12

    easy way to avoid the trash items

    good to state this again. rly helpful for alot of trash problems i guess.
  8. @r3unner viewtopic.php?f=4&t=460 check this to setup ur skills
  9. d12

    Prepared VM for Download

    try to set the screen turn off option off in ur windows vm. my vm also didnt respond once after turning the screen off. but normally it shouldnt turn off the screen anyways since the bot is moving the mouse always. just worth a try
  10. gear isnt rly important while botting about 70 leap slam and also just bought some crap gear. working quite fine. took off my andv rings since i had too many uniques... xD
  11. d12

    Hey then.

    nice to hear some more ppl coming here forum seems to get kinda crowded soon.
  12. hey, i mentioned some auto die long ago, and always thought its important to stay low lvled enough for the area ur hunting in. as i found out thats just useless im mercy act2 farming atm and always got full inventory. no crap items. but alot of uniques and q gems and currency ofc. and im not rly running a pro char crap gear and nearly no iiq/iir. since i looted a few andvariuses alrdy i thought i might use them. but rather sold them cause i had too many uniques... so just overlvl lik hell doesnt rly matter.
  13. d12

    Kill Switch

    xD just dont start the bot twice. since the bot always has its command window opened u can easily see if its alrdy opened or not. and clicking f11 isnt a good idea anyways, since its not working proper as i remember. also relogging the character helps a bit to solve f11 updating issues.
  14. rly nice idea. saw this kind of self programming feature in other bots before, and i rly like it. writing some explanations and ideas later and i hope i wont forget to mention this again.
  15. hey guys, @alkpone: sry that i didnt answer yet not sure why, but i mostly miss my pms. no clue why. and im quite busy working and learning for exams atm. but ill try to get my ideas written down tonight. will prolly start a new thread and trying to get all the ideas and infos into it from other threads aswell.
  16. d12

    Kill Switch

    guys. a bot isnt made to replace users brain. its made to save time...
  17. d12

    Prepared VM for Download

    what exactly do u mean with "stop responding? the windows msg when the client is crashing? and no i dont have this problem
  18. d12

    Prepared VM for Download

    i would say 32bit os with 2-4 cpu cores and 2gb ram should be enough.
  19. d12

    Prepared VM for Download

    no reason to use a 64bit host/vm in my opinion. but u cant use 4gb ram on a 32bit vm. 32bit os is capped at about 3gb ram (i guess this is still the same for a 32bit vm os)
  20. d12

    Prepared VM for Download

    oh, didnt know that? but why isnt it working in vmware player?
  21. d12

    Prepared VM for Download

    vmware player is freeware. so seems like u installed the wrong version (maybe vmware workstation) and since u doesnt seem to be lucky with those kind of things i suggest u to search for a video tutorial to set up or use a prepared vm ;P just to be sure ur next post wont be like "vm not running" xD
  22. d12

    Chat box

    just found the chat box today since i normally dont go to the main page after login so for all the other ppl around: THE CHAT BOX ROX EDIT: would be nice if u could make it sizeable. or bigger EDIT1: my fault. was just to dumb to use the chat properly.
  23. d12

    please help for something

    should be fine. just change them if u see theyr not working
  24. d12

    please help for something

    the pickit file itself is explaining itself. just read the comments
  25. d12

    please help for something

    leap slam settings are easy. just set ur leapslam hotkey skill to min=0 and max=400 the priority should be self explaining if u would have red the explanation (higher value => higher priority) the pickit is self explaining i would say. just read what the values in there are doing. (u cannot add random ids/item names/ whatever)
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