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Everything posted by d12

  1. hey guys, since this vmware shit made me crazy i just installed virtual pc now. worked so far quite fine. just installing poe on it atm. my question: if i use some "my ip" website it shows me the same ip on both (real windows and vm windows). in my eyes this isnt what i want since i cant play bot and main accounts at the same time like this. ggg will kick me quite fast like this i guess. so is there anyone who knows how to solve this problem? urs d12
  2. hey, ye thx for the bot update. seems to work rly nice compared to the previous version. but it still seems to relog for some reason. after about 2-3minutes. it wasnt caused by low hp or instance time limit and also not by no monster killed timer. and it often doesnt start to walk after joining an instance. just waits for the no monster killed timer and starts a new instance then (this is working fine ) and somehow it stopped after a bit. in the area selection window. seems like the bot was working fine, but the poe client couldnt handle the fast clicks couldnt even manually join the area anymore. the area selection window just got bugged somehow. i guess its caused by fast clicks. the pickup on alt is rly nice. also not atking an item label anymore a question here. do gems get highlighted for a few seconds like scrolls and orbs do? if i got show items only on button press? since if they dont i guess they dont get picked up if the "show items on key down" is enabled. to my vm ware problem. seems to be a windows installer problem. ill try to fix that somehow. EDIT2: after a bit more searching it seems to be an avast problem. they classify the vmware service as malware. as it seems this is only preventable by uninstalling avast, install vmware and install avast again... urs d12 EDIT: would be nice to have some loot unique option aswell
  3. hey, yes i alrdy redownloaded it. found a small fix to this problem which said to just delete the whole temp folder. obviously this didnt work lol and yes i downloaded it to the desktop lol im not a total dumbass i just never used a vm thats why i was asking all those stupid questions. there was another solution with deleting something in the regestry. will try this later. (didnt want to do this hurrying around xD) otherwise ill just go for cirtual pc. should be enough for my current purposes. new laptop comin anyways sooner or later xD ^question here: did anyone try to run poe on a haswell integrated grafics successfully without lags? keep trying it and thx for ur fast answers. urs d12 PS: is there alrdy a date for the bot working on 0.11.1x patch?
  4. win7 64bit and the download says its for 32 and 64 bit versions of windows. shouldnt be a problem.
  5. hey, getting this error when trying to install vmware. EDIT: forgot the picture lol. and seems like im too dumb to get the picture in here. sry for that. http://s7.directupload.net/file/d/3298/oy2fef6i_png.htm tried to restart pc, run install exe as admin, switched off avast shield control temporarily... nothin helped. would love to see a solution for this urs d12
  6. hey, thx again for ur help. since im using windows and u said i should use virtual pc instead of vmware i decided to get some comparision. after a quick view it rly looked like that nearly everyone is using vm ware. no clue why, but has to be a reason for that xD also chip rating is ALOT better on vm ware than for virual pc (and yes i know there are alot of dombasses at chip . but still it is about 50:50 for virtual pc and about 90:10 for vm ware). so ill go for vm ware. since at the short look i had it also goes for non ms operating systems. probably no time today to set it up. but ill come back here if i got more problems EDIT: ur link seems to be a bit outdated. its offering version 2.5.x but there is 5.x available alrdy. here the link i just found. https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/free#desktop_end_user_computing/vmware_player/5_0 urs D12
  7. hey, thx for the fast answer. and those are good news xD is it also save to play with the vm crap account AND the main account? incase they ban my crap account can they see the other account aswell? and to the vm. which vm program is good? and free ;P i know ppl hate it if ppl ask for free nice programs. but im a poor student urs D12
  8. hey guys, im new to this bot and it seems to got potential. Cant rly say if its going to be good or not since its still alpha. But its doing its job quite good yet. my questions might seem a bit dumb, but im bad with those internet things and never used a vm ware longer than a few minutes xD so: 1. i saw the d3 bots running in a vm ware. is it rly possible to bot with multiple clients/vm wares on one pc at a time? or is this video somehow modified? 2. is it possible to run the bot and client in a vm ware on a nub account and play on the regular system with the main account? so does a vm ware have a different ip adress and does the vm ware have a "different mouse to use" xD 3. is 2. is possible, is it also possible to minimize the vm ware while botting? hope those questions arent too dumb and someone can answer them. yours D12
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