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Everything posted by d12

  1. d12

    pickit list

    not quite what exactly ur meaning, but as it seems u want to loot items with 6 sockets. at this time this is not implemented yet. but sooner or later it is coming.
  2. d12

    Prepared VM for Download

    1. as i remember vmware player told me to restart my pc when i installed it 2. ur sure u made a clean install of the vm ware player? doesnt mean uninstall via the crappy uninstaller or the windows uninstall whihc is actually calling the uninstaller. get an uninstall tool which is scanning for leftover and registry items after uninstaller. im using revo uninstaller which is free to use and is doing a nice job as it seems. steps are: uninstall vm ware player/workstation/whatever u got via revo - restart pc - install vm ware software again - restart pc - set up ur vm
  3. d12

    Prepared VM for Download

    if a progam tells u to restart after installation u normally should follow those steps before using the progam otherwise weird problems might occur. most of the time there is a reason for restarting the pc after an installation xD so just as u mentioned. make a clean uninstall and reinstall it. restart ur pc. set up ur vm. then just try poe again. btw. to copy a vm just copy all the files and use "open" within the vmware player to open the copied files as new vm. more explanation is probably found at any youtube video if u just search for it about 1min.
  4. d12

    Project Advancement

    since it seems like u got the basic things running i hope it doesnt take too long anymore
  5. d12

    Banned this morning

    +1 rly good comment. and thx for sharing ur thoughts
  6. d12

    Keep window size constant

    true story. +1 for thuvia. (just +1 since we dont count the votes i guess otherwise +39865396835189 xD)
  7. d12

    Suggestion for 6 socket pickup

    u definatly should do that since it seems like its rly hard to find links in the memory. but pls dont let the bot pickup 4L and 6S items by default as suggested. would just trash the inventory. maybe just give us a config file option where we can just tell the bot the minimum amount of sockets and the minimum amount of links to pickup. everyone would be happy then i guess
  8. d12

    Please Delete Fixed!!

    whatever this random text crap is here...
  9. d12

    Banned this morning

    spamming instances cant rly get u banned. 1. the bot cant rly spam instances since its not scrolling down. so it just gets stuck if too many instances 2. if getting as many instances as the screen shows is considered spamming instances any botter here would have get banned alrdy. a question im thinking of for quite a long time now. how to get ur botted currency/items to ur main account. do they check the accounts transfers?
  10. d12

    Small tip for when setting up the bot.

    thx for the tip. but from my point of view it somehow hardly depends on ur pc/whatever xD if u get stuck in towns or not. since alot of ppl have it often, but i kinda never got a problem with this. as i remember i got stuck in forest city once and twice in sarn due to another bug, which probably is a poe client bug.
  11. d12

    Lower clicking speed in towns.

    pls dont give ai loop as a solution now alkpone thats not what he wants ;P a seperated ai loop for inside towns/selection screens/login shouldnt be too hard and might help some ppl to reduce the number of problems with the bot
  12. quite a nice idea. not too high priority tho i would say. but worth to add some time.
  13. d12

    Project Advancement

    YEA :** seems like ur quite far now. might be alrdy in the update after the patch tomorrow?
  14. d12

    loot selection

    ye rly nice idea. and since its kinda the same: enable to loot certain non quality gems even if only q gem looting is on. so u can still loot gems like multistrike which is worth it since its just 1 tile big. and u can also enable gems u need. so u dont have to waste time buying them
  15. d12

    Pick up Rare Rings + Amulets

    +1 thought about this few times aswell, but seems like i forgot to post it xD
  16. d12

    Banned this morning

    use a proxy or vpn to connect to the game
  17. d12

    New team member - foRei

    wow. nice to hear there is a new member in the team welcome.
  18. ugly shit know im wrong here with this question ;P but u guys alrdy know how far the pathfinding is? since this will give such a great improvement to the bot. even more than looting linked items or stashing
  19. like melchome said. there are several extensions to the bot to get random movement done until a pathfinding is done
  20. or just buy vendor gear and trans it. should be enough to gain a few lvls.
  21. @ripcurl2269 just in general. pixel searching bots arent a challenge. its just alot of work. but not hard complexity. but reversing some dumb link connection can be rly ugly. but still wondering why u guys didnt get it yet. kinda strange that its that hard.
  22. @bloody ur gui is a fake? since it doesnt seem to run inside the vm
  23. lmb: add the MOVE ONLY skill to the poe client and set the min/max to 0/0 in the bot config. rmb: add the LEAP SLAM skill to the poe client and set the min/max to 0/400 in the bot config. since ur atking with a normal atk u did something terribly wrong since leap slam just wont atk in any way if no mana left. so either link blood magic to it or set ur mana pot percentage to 0.2 or higher.
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