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Everything posted by d12

  1. d12

    Any word on path finding / stashing?

    ye, germans suck xD
  2. d12

    Any word on path finding / stashing?

    not running inside the forums and on youtube directly german music restrictions fuck it ;/ but im also too exited to see the path finding and those other new things. good timing btw. since my exam is tomorrow so ill have a bit more time afterwards ;P
  3. d12

    VMWare tips

    thx for those tips. good to see them colloected in one post but 1) is wrong. im using vmware player which is actually free to use for non commercials and u can simply set up or use vms.
  4. d12


    +1 pretty cool ideas for the future.
  5. d12

    Any word on path finding / stashing?

    cant u just not make the path grid that close? less nodes gives nice performance easily. ofc not too less nodes since u loose accuracy like this
  6. d12

    Any word on path finding / stashing?

    pathing was nearly released yesterday. some last minute bug prevented alkpone from releasing. stashing seems to be the main goal after pathing is done.
  7. d12

    Suggestion for 6 socket pickup

    alrdy on some todo list just be patient. theyr about to release pathing ina few which gives a rly big boost to the bot.
  8. d12

    Overnight Botting @ ****

    gz on this one
  9. d12


    7. included into shreks gui as i know. and official gui is coming soon aswell. so should be included into it. 8. not necessary anymore. alkpone will release pathing RLY soon. he alrdy announced it in the mini chat, but there was a small bug to fix first. shouldnt take too long.
  10. hey, since its still alpha and u recgnised this alrdy i guess.. all those cool things are comin sooner or later. might go under fighting AI which seems to be improved after pathing and stashing is done as i remember. (pathing is coming rly soon btw. since some kinda working pathing is alrdy running on the devs pcs )
  11. d12

    Overnight Botting @ ****

    no it needs to be linked to a skill. and only working if u actually do kill the mob with this skill
  12. d12

    AHK script for leveling gems/Pause problems/

    nice work. not sure if u mean f12 in ur script or f12 itself. for just manually start/stop bot u can do it quite good with pressing f12 rly short. explained the problem somewhere else xD but should be fixed in next version since it was working quite fine before (except if u start multiple bot instances within the same poe client...)
  13. +1 for timeout in town @jpbot not sure if i got that correct. but it seems like ur using 0.7e. if so pls get the recent version and see if the problem is still there.
  14. d12


    hey, rly nice and well thought suggestions. seems like u know what ur talking about. since the bot is still in alpha i guess u understand that most things are quite basic atm. but the dev team is improving it as good as possible. atm theyr finishing the path finding which will make the bot so much better. 1. got mentioned alot but i doubt u get redflagged for relogging since its a cheap way to get back to town and therefore rly common. EDIT: u probably get red flagged for playing 24/7 since thats rly easy to recognise automatically 2. identify rares or not should come with stashing/autoselling i guess. but still takes a bit time.same for vendoring. 3. rly nice suggestion. something like this will probably come at some point. 4. same as 3. 5. doesnt seem to be too important at this state since it wouldnt give a significant improvement to the bot. but still nice to have.
  15. d12

    Overnight Botting @ ****

    1. u could also have 1 billion item rarity and ur currency result would be the same since only item quantity gives more currency 2. disconnecting or tping to town makes not even the slightest difference in getting checked automatically by GGG. thank god that they dont got automatic bot checks yet 3. the not scrolling down instances is kind of a feature and not a bug as i recognised. since it automatically helps not too open too many instances. so for other players u look like an average player. with new instance always u would login to the city too often. like this it looks like ur running to the wp and just having a smoking break or whatever.
  16. d12

    AHK script for leveling gems/Pause problems/

    cool to see another guy who is doing some ahk tools 1. should be alrdy implemented in the bot. but somehow not working in the current version. 2. there is another random movement script out there alrdy. 3. not quite sure how long the bot waits if a char died. but should also relog successfully when dying. those arent complains to ur work at all. just trying to help u. so u dont have to do work which is alrdy done.
  17. the retry value was made to prevent those situations. since the stashing isnt done yet. think checking for full inventory isnt implemented yet since the memory positions are missing.
  18. thx for stating this again. had that idea before to get a timout for any bot state: login/char selection/town when timed out restart client/logout/logout
  19. d12

    Current Anarchy Trade Ratios

    thats good to know and thx to u for doing thi. But probably the wrong forums section since there is a poe section.
  20. d12

    Pick up Rare Rings + Amulets

    lets hope poe client patching soon again so u have to release the path finding ;P
  21. d12

    Awesome BOT! [Small Request]

    if someone tells u to not pick up rares. would u still pickup uniques?
  22. d12

    Pick up Rare Rings + Amulets

    +1 again just a basic option within the pickit config: take_rings: true/false take_chests: true/false take_...
  23. i asume ur using the kripp leap slam aura tank build. so setup is simple. just get ur leapslam on right click and set the max skill range to 400. since alot of ppl got problems with the save range, set this one to 400 aswell. seemed to work out fine for me. and if u got no clue how to use shreks gui: DO NOT use a rdy to use profile. since theyr made for ppl who know what theyr doing. otherwise ur just fucked even more since there might be some prferences set u dont use at ur lvl yet and u can do anything. just play around with the bot. its not too complicated.
  24. d12

    Awesome BOT! [Small Request]

    @Gayner the reason for stopping is, that the monsters which are too far away arent in the memory of the game. so the bot doesnt recognise them and just stops. but the devs are quite close to a working pathing which will actually walk over the whole map and therefore most likely killing most/all monsters in any area/instance. there is a thread somewhere out there about the pathing development. looks quite good so far. about the new instance thingy. yes it is some kind of a bug, but its also just not implemented to scroll down. i recognised that i might even be good. since if u arent spamming too many instances the chance to get caught by random ppl and get reported for possibly botting (cause of running from town to wp every 60sec or so) is lower.
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