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Everything posted by alkpone
Check your configuration, are you sure everything is well right ?
Thx for the suggestions!
Yeah, you understood the purpose of priorities. I would like to hear some suggestion about how to improve current skill configuration system to make it simplier and more explicit.. Tell us if you managed to make the bot use your vaal skill gem properly pls!
[Need Help] - tried many things - cant fix "clickbug" since one month :(
dasnon replied to topic's alkpone in Archives
Yeah, Dasnon can you give us more explanation about what exactly is this clickbug ? There should be some easy fix I can implement if I have more details. -
Bot version 0.16 has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.16 Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.15m : Offsets updated for Garena version 1.1.1. ilvl is now detected properly. Now bot won't take any 5S items anymore (ffs!) !! Updated auth system to work with Singapore connections. Fixed arctic armour aura not detected by the bot. Bot now can open stronboxes if user desire (Main Config). Chest detecting a bit changed, now the "Open Strongbox" and "Open Chest" settings working separately, so user can set up to open only one of them or both of them or none of them (before user had to enable Chest opening). Now the the skill tree will show the keys in parenthesis for better visibility. (Note: If the user change the key then the parenthesis will be changed too.) Act & Difficulty coordinates fixed. Now before activating the key it will trim spaces from left and right.
Need for a merc account with a top player/high optimized build for Bot testing
alkpone replied to topic's alkpone in Archives
It's ok dude, I finally decided to run a facebreaker ib build myself. Thanks for your help!! -
http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35 Have this installed ?
Les coffres et objets cassables ne sont pas différencié par le bot. Du coup ça me demanderait pas mal de temps pour le mettre en place..
Vendor Y Coordinates AUTO and MOUSEOVER scripts
caon replied to topic's alkpone in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
Thanks !! -
Bot version 0.15m has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.15m Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.15l : Fixed broken pickit.
Following recent events, I set up various way of compensation for the whole community. First, everybody will receive a 15 days free license usable anytime anywhere (already on the store).. Secondly, for some time only, lifetime licenses will be only 25$ donation for anybody who is already a backer of the project. Finally, I invite anybody who got more than 10 licenses in his client area to contact me for another special compensation. Happy botting !
Vendor Y Coordinates AUTO and MOUSEOVER scripts
caon replied to topic's alkpone in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
No way to have the correct values to pop in a msgbox ? -
And now that we aren't attacked anymore ? Still the same issue ?
I'm reversing what changed atm.
Bot version 0.15l has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.15l Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.15k : Updated offsets for game version 1.1.1.
Need for a merc account with a top player/high optimized build for Bot testing
a topic posted alkpone in Archives
Hey all, To be able to dev hardly and avoid loosing time on less important stuff than bot improving, I need for a leveled account in ambush merc. I would like to have a build that rape the game and that is easily usable by the bot. For instance in the precedent league I used etup's spectral throw build. I'll trade the account against a lifetime!! Please pm me if interested. -
I understand your concerns, so basicly all the people experiencing auth issue are on garena server ? (located in Asia) Please some people can confirme this ? Anybody experiencing auth trouble in USA or Europe ?
I deleted the two posts to avoid flaming on this topic. BTW, no I won't release the bot without auth system, because I don't want to grant this pleasure to BloodyBeast. Now the website is working normally and is handling the attack. If you have problem with auth server, I'll be very happy to discuss about it on another post. Asking myself if I should close this topic or not..
Chromatic Recipe...
tobywithay replied to topic's alkpone in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
Nope.. -
Thanks, do you have the correct values ? For me it was good during the tests. Everybody else got the same issue ?
I still didn't have time to do it, Stay tuned..
Moreover, I'm already thinking about various way to compensate the community once it will be resolved.