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Everything posted by alkpone

  1. alkpone

    Bot not putting maps into Maps Device

    Check there: https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/2717-windows-themes-and-coord-misclicks/
  2. alkpone

    general performance gone down

    What about 0.17c ?
  3. Bot version 0.17c has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.17c Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste o configuration files won't work!! Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.17b : Fixed low performances issue. Now bot attacks a monster/totem that has Cannot Die aura only if it's the source. Fixed bot idling in map instead of going back to town after cleaning a map. Now Stash Inventory coordinates can be edited in coordinates.ini file. Now Map device inventory and open map button positions are editable in coordinates.ini file. "Ghost monster/item" and wrong memory cleaning bug fixed.
  4. alkpone

    general performance gone down

    Anybody having this issue on v0.17c RC can pm me with his skype ? I would like to make some testing cause I still didn't manage to reproduce until now.
  5. alkpone

    Windows themes and coord misclicks

    Thanks dude !! I'll try to improve that part ^^
  6. Nice ideas out there, I'll see what I can do. ZeMagic, don't copy paste your ini files from one version to another and you won't have this kind of issue. I'm very glad to see all these advises from your dev experiences guys, thank you. If you wanna help on dev, you can make a pickit file editor in C++ or C# (bot is in C++ and GUI in MFC though).
  7. alkpone

    Default pickit bugs

    Thanks for reporting dude !! I already fixed the bugs.
  8. Okay Hamncheese, looking to your post it looks very easy and obvious for sure. I would like to be able to do that whenever we want. However, for instance, I worked during more or less two weeks on map implementation between 0.16g and 0.17. So bascially I would have to first revert all my work since 0.16g, update offsets, release and revert back my work until 0.17, which I don't think it's possible to do (using git). Moreover, some bugs are introduced by game update changes making some stuff working slightly differently or modifying how memory is used/cleaned. I'm trying on maximum to work on new features just after a working without bug bot release, for the reasons you explained but sometimes it's just not possible. Thanks for the suggestion this is very nice from you to try to help!
  9. Maybe it's because you set the zone to farm to Eternal Laboratory ? If so, you have to change it for a zone you want to farm if the bot doesn't have any map left, like Library or Catacombs.
  10. alkpone

    general performance gone down

    Can't reproduce this bug locally yet.
  11. alkpone

    Ajout d'une fonctionnalité

    Are you lost ? En effet un GUI d'édition des fichiers pickit serait vraiment cool. Sur la todo-list.
  12. alkpone

    v0.17b Bugs

    - Coordinates problem, I'll put the coord in coordinates.ini file so we can work with them to find the best default one. BTW you can try to reduceplayer_inventory_offset from coordinates.ini to fix the take item from stash issue, I set it up to 28 for next release, thanks to confirm the right value. - The map logic doesn't take the clean map setting in consideration, it will always clear all the map. That's resulting of technical issue: For instance one map contain all stairs. So the bot uses different logic to know if map is finished or not (100%). - About skills priority, I don't remember changing anything impacting it so I'll investigate more. - About ghost mob, sometime the bot find a "rotten" entity in memory with various random values, looking like an entity, mostly a bad memory cleaning issue, I'm working on it too.
  13. alkpone

    Bugs Report on map farming

    - Promenade map: Already working on it. - Fantom mob: Already working on it. - Exit to login in map is due to Monster No Kill timer or Map Run Timer, bot doesn't create a tp cause if it get stucked there better to keep it explored and not come back. - Problem with aura cannot die: Already working on it. - Crash : I got no more crash while testing the bot with 0.17b - Lag in the map, maybe you can get more info from log files. Thanks for the feedback
  14. alkpone

    v0.17b Bugs

    Hamncheese I'm aware of these bugs and working on them. Thanks for reporting. About your log file, I don't understand the "this is where it bugged" how do you know?? This Network Entity Counter is only printed when you pause the bot, it's to help detecting eventual Memory Leak .. I let the bot run all the night on maps/zone and it didn't crash, so if you are experiencing often crashes, it may be related to specific issue of your configuration. BTW the log that interests me when it crashes on your computer is the timer.log file because it let me know which subbrain crashed.
  15. Bot version 0.17b has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.17b Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.17 : F11 is now working again. Fixed crash on map loading
  16. alkpone

    0.17 Bug's I've encountered so far

    Already found and fixed the crash on map loading. F11 will be back on new version. Sry about the troubles!
  17. Bot version 0.17 has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.17 Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste o configuration files won't work!! Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.16g : Offsets updated for game version 1.1.2. Offsets updated for Garena version 1.1.2. Map farming implemented (still being tested though). Bot chooses map to run according to Configuration/Maps/default.ipd file. It will always run highest map level as possible. Back and forth loop in stairs bug fixed. Pathfinding improved (now it has correct Z value for any position). Auras are now casted before gem leveling. Added an option "Recast aura for each run" in skill config for special aura that get disabled on any zone transition (ie Arctic Armor). Fixed the chicken on sight saving bug (limited string size). Added three new key for pickit: [Computed Armor], [Computed Evasion] and [Computed Energy Shield], each keys will check final value for each defensive stats. If you press F7 to dump inventory you'll see these computed stats. Updated default pickit file.
  18. Looks very nice ! How do you get stash tabs content ?
  19. alkpone

    Invasion Bosses

    Is this feature bugged ? If yes can anybody pm me to help resolving. I made some tests and bot 100% chicken on Perpetus as expected. Does it work for you with Perpetus ? (A3, City of Sarn)
  20. alkpone

    Bot stuck and crash always in same context

    Which area do you farm? Thanks for reporting.
  21. Timtoh, pissing me off asking me day and night the same thing will never work. I already have my plans and stuff to do, I'm aware that Corrupt area exists so just be patient..
  22. alkpone

    Problems with the entrance to the catacombs

    Kk, next update should be fixed.
  23. alkpone

    Losing Elite status

    Still having the same problem with 0.16g ?
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