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Everything posted by alkpone

  1. alkpone

    attempt to sell failure failsafe

    Haha only if you code it
  2. alkpone

    Few Suggestion

    That would be awesome zeMagc ! Please keep me informed of your work.
  3. alkpone

    attempt to sell failure failsafe

    Very good idea ! I'll try to work on something that will search and setup the coord by itself !
  4. alkpone

    0.17e - Full inventory on Map

    Lol rly ?? Never saw that, anybody else having this issue ?
  5. alkpone

    Problem with the "Computed Energy Shield" tag?

    you should write "400" instead of 400.
  6. Yeah you should be able to put the monster's name in the Chicken on specific monster sight to make the bot chicken on sight. And of course don't forget to tick and activate the option.
  7. alkpone

    Specific map pickit (Level)

  8. Bot version 0.17e has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.17e Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste o configuration files won't work!! Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.17d : Added chicken delay key in system.ini file, to specify the delay you want your bot to wait after clicking exit to login. Now Bot picks up currencies correctly if smart pickit disable. Fixed bot stucked switching tab bug. Identifying process is now less likely to have the item stucked on cursor bug. First version of the IPD Editor (File->IPD Editor, or map/pickit profile->Open). Bot now will not reset the Status tab each "Start" button press, else user can reset it by the "Clear" button. Fixed syntax errors in the default pickit.
  9. alkpone

    Item stuck on cursor info

    I checked the code, don't see how CTRL key could be clicked while picking up an item on ground. VK_CONTROL is only used in class handling: Stashing, Selling and Zone changing. About the bot clicking an item in inv without CTRL, I tried to make in smoother in upcoming release, cause yeah it was handled pretty badly until now. However it never happened to me.
  10. alkpone

    Help with Skill-Setup!

    If you are doing a spectral throw build, all you need is the following setup : Spectral throw with a range of 300 and only if there are more than 1 or 2 monster closer than 100 (up to you to test and decide). Double strike only on single target, on range 400. Bot don't need Leap Slam Don't forget to use one or two aura as well, and cwdt
  11. alkpone

    Bug with stairs in Residence map

    Yeah thanks for reporting, I'm annoyed as well by these issues. Stair bug should be fixed soon as I already found a solution to fix it ,however it still needs some hard reversing to work properly. Second one, I don't have any ready solution for now, if anybody got an idea feel free !!
  12. alkpone

    A change in looting behaviour

    Hey dude, thank you for the suggestions. I agree that looting system needs to be reworked, as time and eventually drop may be loss in the process. If anybody has some good suggestion to make it perfect or way better feel free. I'll try to find some solutions by my side.
  13. alkpone

    Stashing bug

    Working on a fix !!
  14. Yeah it's item's short name reading that can be broken sometime. I still didn't figured out why but most of the time strings are encoded on 2 byte character but sometimes they are encoded on 1 byte.. However even if the short name is broken all the others stats/mods will work.
  15. alkpone


    1. Same as pronooob 2. There is a trick to use a flask as a skill, just change the key of an unused skill and set it to the flask key that you want. This way you can drink flask on boss or multiple monsters detection. 3. Not implemented yet, will work on it soon. However bot's click rate is safe, you still can reduce it if you want. 4. Already done, you can adjust the following timers: "No monster kill" and "Run timer". 5. If you set up everything correctly bot should chicken before dying. 6. Good idea !! Thank you for your suggestions ! BTW can you close the paypal reclamation please ?
  16. alkpone

    Version 0.17 D Bugs

    When exactly does it happen ? Can you remember me how this bug occurs ? There should be a way..
  17. Bot version 0.17d has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.17d Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste o configuration files won't work!! Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.17c : Bot detects if a monster has the "No drop or experience" mod and ignore it if it's the case. Armourer Scraps, Blacksmith's Whetstone and Glassblower's Bauble are now picked up by default if smart pickit is disabled. Now F11 reload pickit and map ipd files.
  18. Yeah, 100% agree, that would be awesome. However I still didn't fight a good and easy way to convert my code to something modulable. I found some potential solution (lua, c++ modules, ..) but would need a loooot of code and function prototype rewriting.. If anybody has any good solution, I'm open, especially with ahk !
  19. alkpone

    crashing on chicken

    Weird.. Anybody else having this issue ?
  20. alkpone


    Have you ever been banned before with another bot ? I created a new char 2 days ago, still botting.. For info I have never been banned.
  21. Yeah because then the zone where bot chicken is explored. So when bot comes back it won't come back there and get stucked again
  22. I increased the default values in config.ini file especially for map farming. Dunno if you use these new values (120sec for no monster kill and like 10 to 15min to max run time). Then I never saw the bot chickening when it shouldn't.. BTW thanks for your suggestion and your feedback Bonebox
  23. Ah yeah true ^^ I have to change way bot handle tp scroll because I saw it causing various stucking bugs.
  24. alkpone

    Map device coordinates.ini settings not work

    Check there: https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/2717-windows-themes-and-coord-misclicks/
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