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Everything posted by alkpone

  1. alkpone

    Reroll rare maps

    Okay this was commented in the code, because I wanted to be sure that the feature worked and wouldn't waste all user's chaos orb. Now I uncommented it for next version, so reroll on rare maps will work.
  2. Bot version 0.19e has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.19e Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.19d : Bot will now open in priority any Vaal Vessel it can detect. Fixed non-map items selecting and opening in laboratory.
  3. Bot version 0.19d has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.19d Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.19c : Offsets updated for Garena version 1.1.4b. Fixed quality gems sell bug. Fixed a bug where sometimes bot would get stucked after finishing a map (trying to take the transition from the other side). Added a button to Elite Features Activator: now user can activate all profiles at once.
  4. alkpone

    running sacrifice map

    Well I'll make some testing there, will report soon ^^
  5. alkpone

    Mapping Borken

    Me too I'm mapping fine on 0.19c, maybe this thread could help you : https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/2717-windows-themes-and-coord-misclicks/
  6. alkpone

    Cursor going off.

    Maybe this would help you: https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/2717-windows-themes-and-coord-misclicks/ Otherwise, you should redl the bot, and reconfigure it from default cfg. Because I don't have the issue..
  7. Bot version 0.19c has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.19c Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.19b : Fixed chromatic items detection. Now bot can run any item, not only map (ie: [Type] == "Sacrifice at Dusk). Bot will sell an item if it doesn't match any definition in the pickit. Remember to ALWAYS clean your inventory before running the bot !!! Added a delay after pressing alt key while looting item. Replaced "Scepter" to "Sceptre" in default pickup.ipd file. Added a checkbox to the Main tab called "Relog", it will force a chicken every auto profile changing. Fixed a bug with float reading from the config in SettingsLoader.
  8. alkpone

    Hold alt while looting

    It was what made the bot pick tons of thrash in last release.
  9. alkpone

    How to reroll map whit Rogue Exiles ?

    Can you share with us your dump.log file after pressing F7 with bot paused and map in inventory. A ctrl-c ctrl-v of the item would help as well. The idea is to identify which mod index is the map_no_exiles and to try to write it this way : [modindexvalue] > "0"
  10. Yeah this is a part of short-term improvements list.
  11. alkpone

    Make bot sell crap

    This feature is already implemented in next version
  12. alkpone

    0.19b issues

    Thanks for the report and the suggestion, I already fixed some of the mentionned bugs for next release and I'm working with Blacksun on fixing the rest.
  13. alkpone

    Hold alt while looting

    I added a delay after pressing alt, it should do the trick. Thx for reporting !
  14. alkpone

    [0.19b] Serious typo in pickit.

    4 occurences replaced in default pickit file for next version. Thx for reporting !
  15. alkpone

    Mirrored Maps

    Got to find a way to check if a map is mirrored, do you have a mirrored map to lend me ? Please pm me ^^
  16. alkpone

    19b looting system

    Yeah it still need some improvements, working on it. Bot still takes some unwanted items.
  17. alkpone

    Bringer of bones

    Because data aren't stored the same way in memory for "Other Alles Cannot Die" (aura) and Summoned skeletons via the shrine. I spent a lot of time trying to reverse the skeletons and the shrine but no luck til now.
  18. Bot version 0.19b has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.19b Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.19 : Offsets updated for Garena version 1.1.4. Fixed crash on start if game is not launched. Improved item picking.
  19. alkpone

    new v0.19 bugs...post the details here dudes!

    Yeah, as bonebox said don't set any skills you don't want to hold attack with. RC should pick a lot less thrash, feel free to test and give your feedback.
  20. Bot version 0.19 has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.19 Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.18c : Offsets updated for game version 1.1.4. Added Boss Farming (Not working 100%, Still being tested!!). Looting system has been greatly improved to make it quicker and much more efficient (be careful some default value of system.ini and pickit.ini files changed). Bot can now farm corrupted areas if desired (Still being tested!!). Added Chromatic item Pickup and Selling option. If bot need to go back to town and there are still items on the ground, it will come back to take them even if map is explored or boss is killed. Bot is now able to maintain key / mouse button while attacking and make sure all attack speed potential is used (see Maintain key / button new option in skill configuration). Now bot opens close door instead of trying to attack monster behind it. (to edit open distance, see key "door_range" from system.ini). Improved door opening, bot shouldn't stuck himself making love with a door anymore. Improved uniques monster detection (General Gravicus is now detected, chicken on sight should work better as well). Removed Eternal Laboratory, added "Piety" and "Dominus" to the zone selector. Auto profile changer now working.
  21. alkpone

    Profile changer doesn't work

    Fixed on last RC!!
  22. Does auto poe still work ?
  23. alkpone

    Which build is possible?

    My favorite builds : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/852727/ (current, with BoR and not carcass jack though) http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/810040 (pretty cheap and easy to level, good for new leagues) http://pathofpoe.com/builds/view/endgame-solo-iiriiq-groundslamer/ (this one, is after you get a kaom heart, good luck ) During last league I used a scion spectral throw build, was pretty good. A better question would be which builds don't work well with the bot.. And the answer is : Summoner build, Searing Bond, Discharge, any glass canon build as well... Basically, you need something strong and tanky enough to solo lvl 70+ maps.
  24. alkpone

    Payment only paypal accepted ?

    Paypal only atm
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