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Everything posted by alkpone

  1. alkpone

    v0.50j Constantly turned off (warehouse)

    This is weird, it doesn't happen for me. Anybody have a proper way to reproduce ? What does the lastrun.log say ?
  2. alkpone

    Force Open Vaal VEssel on Corrupt area

    Ok gonna test and fix it asap.
  3. Should be fixed in 0.50j : https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/5199-release-beta-version-v050j/
  4. alkpone

    v0.50i 100% crush...

    Can anybody post a way to reproduce the crash please ?
  5. alkpone

    0,50i. Stuck in aqueducts.

    Please tell me, if bug is still happening in 0.50j. BTW don't use navmesh pathfinding it's bugged and useless, i'm gonna remove it from UI.
  6. Bot version 0.50j has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.50j Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Improvements since 0.50i : Offsets updated for Garena SEA version 2.0.0l. Fixed a bug that made bot idling in town (from v0.50i update). Fixed bot having trouble to come back from Eternal Laboratory (from v0.50i update).
  7. Bot version 0.50i has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.50i Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Improvements since 0.50h : Offsets updated for Steam version 2.0.1b. Offsets updated for Garena TW version 2.0.0l. Added TCP Disconnect method to replace the unsafe memory write. Bot will automatically download a small program named cports.exe if you select the TCP Disconnect chicken option. It is a required to perform the TCP drop. Fixed weird movement while opening stash.
  8. alkpone


    Okay ACK, I'll see if I can do something.
  9. alkpone

    Bot sold my stashed items?

    A joke from your little brother ??
  10. Bot version 0.50h has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.50h Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Improvements since 0.50g : Offsets updated for Game version version 2.0.1. Offsets updated for Steam version 2.0.1. Offsets updated for Garena CIS version 2.0.0l. Bot now ignores the clones of Mirage of Bones boss in Desert Map.
  11. alkpone

    Bot wont run maps.

    Check if the maps in your chest aren't ignored in Maps/default.ipd file.
  12. alkpone steam version - Bot Broken !!!

    Did you try with v0.50g ?
  13. alkpone

    Some Pickit Issues/Questions

  14. Bot version 0.50g has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.50g Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Improvements since 0.50f : Offsets updated for Game version version 2.0.0i. Offsets updated for Steam version 2.0.0i. Bot focus again necro mob when there are undead around. Bot focus Bearers of the Guardian first when facing an Animated Guardian. Bot should now always come back to take remaining items while farming map / boss.
  15. alkpone

    Stashing / selling bug

    You have to bind space key to "close all panels" (default key).
  16. alkpone

    new items in 2.0.0 worth ~1ex

    Should I increase rare 1H weapon to 300 and 2H to 450 ?
  17. alkpone

    new items in 2.0.0 worth ~1ex

    Indeed, took it out
  18. alkpone

    Bot getting stuck on esc menu

    Indeed this issue is known and problematic, we need to detect esc menu open to fix it. It's on priority list.
  19. alkpone

    @Alkpone Bot update question

    Sorry this topic was so full of "non sense" that I had to delete all the posts . To answer shortly, an offset is a mathematical distance used by the bot to jump from an object to another while retrieving game values like stats, positions, items etc. As some objects of the game change each time there is an update, I have to often fix this in the bot, which most of the time means "updating offsets". There is no good solution for this, ideally we would like to have an auto-updater to inform us if bot is up or down, which is planned but not for today.
  20. alkpone

    new items in 2.0.0 worth ~1ex

    Fixed everything in next version (0.50g). Thanks a lot for your help !!
  21. Try out this version : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/ExiledBot.zip To confirm that the bug is fixed, please send me a pm, I'll add the feature in next release.
  22. Bot version 0.50f has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.50f Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Improvements since 0.50e : Offsets updated for Garena CIS version 2.0.0f. Aura cannot Die caster detection fixed.
  23. Granite flask are used whenever a life flask needs to be used.
  24. alkpone

    Bugs list/enhancements

    Thanks for your suggestions. Bot reads flask mods to know which one are instant.
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