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Everything posted by alkpone

  1. alkpone

    splash screen

    Yeah!! Thank you for the screenshot, could be a source of inspiration.
  2. Bot version 0.5d has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/sta ... lpha_v0.5d Improvements since 0.5c : [*:5wifw2eq]Fix autoflask issue (not working) [*:5wifw2eq]Fix "stuck in character selection screen issue" (see: http://www.exiled-bot.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=116)
  3. alkpone


    Good idea !!
  4. Bot version 0.5c has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/sta ... lpha_v0.5c Improvements since 0.5a : [*:he2mcsqb]THE SHORTCUT TO PAUSE AND UNPAUSE THE BOT CHANGED : SHIFT+SPACE [*:he2mcsqb]Automatic instance reset working !! [*:he2mcsqb]Added possibility to enable or not automatic game restart (false by default now) [*:he2mcsqb]Added possibility to enable or not automatic login (true by default) [*:he2mcsqb]Added possibility to start bot paused or not (false by default) [*:he2mcsqb]Now monster no kill timeout is in seconds (300 by default) [*:he2mcsqb]Now bot is exiting to login instead of closing the game when timeout [*:he2mcsqb]Fix some keyboard handling issues
  5. alkpone

    Totem Timer

    We are going to implement timed stuff and skill type, to handle totem, aura, minions, etc The bug making the bot attacking its own totem is going to be fixed ofc Can't give you any ETA for now as I'm working on core parts of the bot as instace reset, timeout handling and pathfinding.
  6. alkpone


    Yeahhh don't worry it'll come soon, just after I finish making the instance reset stuff work. Be patient
  7. alkpone

    Hello Everyone!

    Hi Verminus82, welcome here!!
  8. alkpone

    New script monkey here with an idea

    Indeed, pathfinding will be implemented soon. ATM, we are searching for a memory structure containing a map exit portal and its world position. Thank you for your help, reversing the game and programming the bot need both time and research, and its hard to do them at the same time. So if you have an idea or any hint that could help us implementing pathfinding, you are welcome.
  9. alkpone

    feature anti-ban

    Good idea !! Timers randomization is planned ofc.
  10. alkpone

    Specific Skill at HP++++

    Should not be so hard to do. Added to the todo list.
  11. Bot version 0.5b has been released. You can download it Here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/sta ... lpha_v0.5b Improvements since 0.4: [*:mqbr19hj]Bug fix : When the user wanted to bot in lower difficulty than the last unlocked one, it crashed. [*:mqbr19hj]Added monster no kill timer which is basically a timer reseting each time the character is killing a monster. If timer value is reached, the game is automatically closed and relaunched [*:mqbr19hj]Coordinates ini file added [*:mqbr19hj]Auto relaunch, login, go to portal, select area, go hack monster !! [*:mqbr19hj]User inputs handling improved
  12. alkpone

    customisable popup log

    yes 3raser you're right, a simple GUI is planned.
  13. Hi Rts420, welcome here and thank you for your support. The bot is injected in the process with a dll, that's why you can't see it in the process list. BTW the only way to exit it for now is to exit the game, I am not planning to add any function that exit it atm, as it won't be very useful, just pause it if you need to or reload the game if you don't want it in background. Maybe I could add a key to update INI settings. I'm going to investigate further that question. Thank again for the feedback.
  14. This feature is almost ready, probably the next release.
  15. Automatic logon is planned and will come soon.
  16. Hi Crackjack ! Okay I put this feature in the todo list.
  17. http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Alpha_v0.3
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