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Everything posted by alkpone

  1. alkpone

    Set/View Hotkeys

    True !!
  2. alkpone


    A lot of very good idea in this post, I read it carefully and will keep reading it in the future to get some inspiration while we'll implement new features like pickit, shopbot etc
  3. Bot version 0.8e has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/sta ... lpha_v0.8f Improvements since 0.8e : [*:jv7917kw]Offsets updated for game version 0.11.5c. [*:jv7917kw]No more injection nor memory writing, bot is now fully passive. [*:jv7917kw]Fixed aura's checkbox in gui.
  4. alkpone

    Suggestion: Auto config change

    Yes of course this is planned, would be like a script engine for AI scripting, allowing you to make your own behavior scripts with multiple profiles. On short/mid-term, multi-zone botting and botting in area without wp will be implemented.
  5. alkpone

    Hey Dev team

    New version released
  6. Bot version 0.8e has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/sta ... lpha_v0.8e Improvements since 0.8d : [*:1wsgehru]Offsets updated for game version 0.11.5b. [*:1wsgehru]Added GUI to the bot. [*:1wsgehru]Improved BFS pathfinding to make use of cached path instead of recomputing every AI iteration.
  7. alkpone

    Hey Dev team

    Should be today!! Maybe tomorrow if something get wrong.
  8. Ahahaha very nice job !! Sticked and moved to general
  9. Hey dude!! Welcome here! Enjoy the bot and being part of the community
  10. Totem are supported! Fate can you share with us your skills.ini file with explanations about what you would like to do.
  11. alkpone

    Just donated

    Thanks dude that's very appreciated !
  12. alkpone

    Attack/Avoid Unique Bosses

    Should be easy to do, I already reversed the "color" of monsters. Just need to implement it, but now we are pretty busy with fixing pathfinding and finishing the gui. Don't try to edit the absurd monster hp value to do this, it will most likely result in some very weird behaviour.
  13. alkpone

    Access to Elites bot features?

    If I'm connected it will be instant.
  14. alkpone


    Hey dude, welcome here!!
  15. alkpone

    Decoy totem?

    whaaat ? cooldowns aren't "universal" ? xD To configure decoy totem, just set a higher priority than your main attack skill, a range of like 600 or 700, no need for min range, and a cooldown of 5000. Should work as expected this way.
  16. alkpone

    [Introduction Post] - IX___

    Hey IX, welcome here !! Very nice profile, and ambitious too, I hope you'll get what you're aiming man.
  17. alkpone

    [Tool] Skill radius

    so cool !! I think that for making this program and sharing it with the others you desserve at least an elite membership
  18. alkpone

    Follow bot

    Very smart
  19. Bot version 0.8c has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/sta ... lpha_v0.8c Improvements since 0.8b : [*:2z9eddlg]Bot is now reseting entities properly on area change (for real this time xD).
  20. Bot version 0.8b has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/sta ... lpha_v0.8b Improvements since 0.8 : [*:1n9ix31j]Bot is now reseting entities properly on area change.
  21. Bot version 0.8 has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/sta ... Alpha_v0.8 Improvements since 0.7e : [*:ddyoql9o]Pathfinding and exploration implemented. [*:ddyoql9o]Changed hotkeys delay from 100ms to 500ms. [*:ddyoql9o]Added key in config.ini file (area_clean_percent) to configure the % of the map we want to explore before creating next instance.
  22. alkpone

    Project Advancement

    Release very very soon.
  23. alkpone

    Any word on path finding / stashing?

    Actually, pathfinding and exploration are already nicely working on the dev version, but I still have some performances issues that I would like to solve before releasing.
  24. Nice idea !! Added to the todo list ^^
  25. With pathfinding bot shouldn't get stuck in town anymore.
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