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Everything posted by alkpone

  1. alkpone


    Vive la France!!
  2. Yes but if I tell you to try, it means that it should work
  3. Very nice job!! Are you thinking about some implementation with the bot ?
  4. Did anybody tried to put 200 or 300 ?
  5. alkpone

    Great job on [Release] Alpha version v0.9

    Interesting, I'm on a win7 64bit, I will try to reproduce the crash on 32bit. Yeah gems leveling is so crappy, that's why it's disabled by default . Still reverse needs to be done here.
  6. alkpone

    Question about the new 5L item pickup feature

    Bot is always picking 6L. About the min socket/link, all we need is a pickit . Therefore I planned to reverse the inventories of player and vendors during the next days.
  7. Bot version 0.9 has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/sta ... Alpha_v0.9 Improvements since 0.8i : [*:1gmmtbbd]Bot is now raycasting to monsters and chest to know if there is a wall between their positions. [*:1gmmtbbd]Added key "raycast_width" in system.ini file to set up the width of the ray casted. [*:1gmmtbbd]Bot is now killing monsters in safe range and taking items before chickening because of map cleared. [*:1gmmtbbd]Crash occuring when detecting if an item is a ring or an amulet should be fixed. [*:1gmmtbbd]Gem leveling priority is now less than aura casting. [*:1gmmtbbd]Bot can now pickup 6S, 5L and 6L items. [*:1gmmtbbd]Fixed gem leveling not working. [*:1gmmtbbd]Added new key (pickup_5L_items) in pickit.ini file. [*:1gmmtbbd]Added new key (pickup_6S_items) in pickit.ini file. [*:1gmmtbbd]Pathfinding greatly optimized.
  8. alkpone

    i am back

    Hey dude welcome back and congratulation for your fiber !! Nothing very important changed in the game. You should check out last bot changes
  9. alkpone


    Hey dude welcome !! I'm happy that you're enjoying our work and I hope you'll have a lot of fun using it. Yeah hope we meet in game too, can't post my poe acc here for some obvious reasons , but maybe I could in pm or in forum chat .
  10. alkpone

    Complete Shadow Integration

    I'm still figuring out how to make this possible. I made some researches on PostMessage and SendMessage function and it seems to be very complicated to implement. First I'm not sure that you can hover monster or items using these functions and secondly it would be very easy to detect it by checking real mouse coordinates. Dunno what you think guys about it. Another solution would be to hook some windows mouse functions but I don't really know if it's doable or not. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
  11. alkpone


    Hi nomore!! I think you are at the right place to learn how to bot If you have any problem, everybody here will be happy to help you with the exiled bot.
  12. alkpone

    CRON Table script

    Sweeet, thx !!
  13. Bot version 0.8i has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/sta ... lpha_v0.8i Improvements since 0.8h : [*:q4rfu4s0]Fixed bot crash due to a memory zone deleted by the game. [*:q4rfu4s0]Added reason of chicken in lastrun.log file. [*:q4rfu4s0]Changed exploration_distance default value to 90, it should work good in any big opened areas. [*:q4rfu4s0]Minor fix: Now bot handle properly moves priorities.
  14. Bot version 0.8h has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/sta ... lpha_v0.8h Improvements since 0.8g : [*:2p25u5d4]Bot can now take rare rings and amys (default true). [*:2p25u5d4]Fixed safe range not working properly. [*:2p25u5d4]Took out MessageBox when user press F11 (to avoid F12 pause stop working). [*:2p25u5d4]Config key "run_max_time" default value is now 600.
  15. alkpone


    how so? you agree to GGG terms when playing... Dude I'm not a lawyer, and I don't have any really good answer to the question, we live in a real world and everything is possible. I only know that Blizzard fucked itself with the warden client and had to stop watching user's private stuff outside of Blizzard's games. Now if you have some solid knowledge about international laws and similar cases, feel free to share them with a lot of sources please, as it might help.
  16. Bot version 0.8g has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/sta ... lpha_v0.8g Improvements since 0.8f : [*:sgdgcwdn]Infinite loop caused by wrong pathfinding computations should be fixed. [*:sgdgcwdn]Bot now checks if directx end-user is installed.
  17. Awesome!! Moved to general and sticked.
  18. alkpone


    Google/Facebook/Apple/... don't respect european privacy laws yet they're still offering their services and products there... But for videogame this is different
  19. alkpone

    CRON Table script

    Hey, if anybody knows how to write a CRON table script able to first save some folder and some mysql databases in an archive daily, feel free to help here or in pm. I though that it would be a good idea to make some automatic backups of site and database. And indeed I didn't made any linux script for years and help would be greatly appreciated.
  20. alkpone


    They are selling their game worldwide, so if they don't respect law in USA and Europe, they won't be able to sell it there.
  21. alkpone


    Why don't you rename it yourself ? Right click, rename
  22. alkpone


    Hey Thormrand, is JP for Jean-Pierre ? Cool presentation, and I'm glad that you liked our fully passive work
  23. alkpone

    Countdown Timers

    Yeah this is planned, just have to implement a message system between the bot and MFC GUI.
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