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Everything posted by alkpone

  1. alkpone

    [All my founded Aura Bugs]

    Thanks for reporting these bugs dasnon. These issues aren't very frequent unless you have high ping problem.
  2. Bot version 0.14h has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.14h Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.14g : Fixed scroll looting (bug introduced in 0.14g).
  3. Bot version 0.14g has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.14g Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.14f : Fixed bug when bot tries to pick an item while inventory is full (resulting in an annoying boring f*****g infinite loop/crash). Now bot stashs every item after each run (except scrolls and shards). Skill tab reworked to TreeView. ToolTip added to ExpandedLastItem window.
  4. alkpone

    Garena bot does not click "Play" at login

    hummm that's really shitty, I'll see if I can make something..
  5. alkpone

    Full Inventory Pickup

    yey, I'll fix it for next release.
  6. alkpone

    what really should be done yestarday!

    It's a pain in the ass to dev, I have to change all my (crappy) inventory management code. That's why I kept it for after all the nice minor tweaks I made last days.
  7. alkpone

    what really should be done yestarday!

    I agree that this is the first shit to fix. And I'm already working on it. I didn't see that post, hope that everybody is feeling better now
  8. alkpone

    Bugs récurrents

    Salut!! Merci pour tes suggestions. En réalité le bot check uniquement le nombre d'emplacements libres. S'il en reste plus de 20 il considère que l'inventaire n'est pas full. Cependant si jamais il n'y a pas d'espace pour un item 8 slot (ce qui arrive malgré les 20 slots libres), le bot ne se rendra pas compte qu'il ne peut pas pickup l'objet. Je n'ai jamais eu le temps d'améliorer cet algo auparavant mais aujourd'hui il est first sur ma liste de priorités. En effet, le bug du tp est emmerdant aussi, je vais essayer de trouver un fix simple et efficace. A propos du pathfinding, il a été fait par moi et foreii.
  9. alkpone


    If you go in Manage options, you'll have some importation possibilities. If it's not clear enough, any suggestion is welcome.
  10. Yeah big already known issue here. I'm working on a good way to fix it for some time already and I've know some ideas, but that's not simple stuff. On my computer I don't see it ocuring that much and I don't think that I loss a lot of items this way. Indeed, it happens much more with chests and monsters than items. Fixing that bug and tabs handling are going to be the key for a safe and efficient map farming implementation.
  11. alkpone

    0.14f catacombs almost working

    [Type] == "Ice Spear" && [Quality] >= "15" Try this ?
  12. alkpone

    Bot doesnt reach a Twilight Strand WP

    You can edit coordinates in coordinates.ini file. Dunno if it needs to be updated for everybody or just for you (for any reason..).
  13. alkpone

    0.14f catacombs almost working

    After some tests, I can't reproduce the issue, on my computer, bot will always create a new instance.
  14. alkpone

    0.14f catacombs almost working

    Thanks for report, I though I had tested all entrances possible.
  15. Bot version 0.14f has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.14f Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.14e : Now Blacksmith's Whetstone, Armourer's Scrap and Glassblower's Bauble are only handled in the pickit file (if you take out the lines from pickit file, bot will stop taking them). Fixed bot not selecting act when botting in lower difficulty than last one unlocked. Improved scroll pickup : now user just needs to set up the number of each scroll he wants to keep in inventory, and in the pickit file if he wants to stash them. Optimized area switching between Marketplace and Catacombs. Fixed infinite loop ocuring when char tries to go from one chest to another (due to abusive use of Manhattan distance, for speed optimization). Char won't get stucked anymore trying to open the same chest for hours, now it will ignore it after a fixed amount of unsuccesful tries.
  16. alkpone

    Bot Crashing and Resulting in Character Death

    I'm running the bot in a vm with a debugger attached to hunt down and fix these annoying crash. Waiting for it you can use any chicken / flask script with the one of the bot.
  17. alkpone

    [Suggestion] Improved scroll management.

    We already improved scroll system on dev version, it's being tested right now.
  18. alkpone

    version v0.14e - Catacomb bug

    I already improved Catacombs access and am testing it right now. If you want the bot to take map, you have to add this line in your pickit file (v0.14e) : [Category] == "Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Take all maps
  19. alkpone

    Aura bug

    Looks like some lag issue.
  20. alkpone

    Elite Features not working

    Sry about the troubles. We are studying a way to fix this issue. If we had an access to some vm located in Singapore having the problem, we may fix it more easily.
  21. alkpone

    bot ver 0.14e bot closes poe client after chicken out

    Yes this is highly lag related issue. I'll do my best to improve the situation!
  22. alkpone

    Bot entering back into tp

    I'm sure this kind of bug are part of the reason why nobody get banned using this bot More seriously, I'll see what could be done to avoid this issue. But keep in mind that handling every action of the game only by sending mouse and keystroke with 100% accuracy is very hard to achieve.
  23. It wasn't happening before 0.14e right ?
  24. alkpone

    v0.14e - bot fails to select act 3 tab

    Fixed in next release. For a hotfix, you can set your last act unlocked to 3. Thanks for the report
  25. alkpone

    version v0.14e - Catacomb bug

    Shit, I'll rework it today !! Thanks for reporting.
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