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Reset map on chicken-on-sight

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Sometimes the bot would go back to the same map 5 times to fight a hard boss. I tried using "always reset instance", but it's for area-farming only. Adding new options next to "set map cleared" would save some time, such as resetting the map after "exit to login because boss_name has been found!!".

Edited by heisenburger

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+1 for this, just thought about the same thing some day


for example I have a high budget setup that can clear t7-12 (set to run that threshold) with many of the mods, but some bosses are just too hard like the new a4 bosses, the transformed pirty, malachai, daresso with the immunity phase when you cant leech or get flask etc


we just need to make sure that the map itself gets cleared, like clearing 80% before going for the boss room, however this would need the bot to know boss rooms which would be quite a work I guess

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"; Bot will always find and kill map unique bosses first before going back to town.
single_level_exploration=1" config.ini change default value to 0 one solution.

"; Monster absurd hp value, if value get higher monster will be ignored
absurd_monster_hp_value=8000000" can play around with this from system.ini instead of using chicken on sight , could be another solution?


or combine both like i do :)

Edited by RaZe

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