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TW version need function "Put items to Guild Stash", cuz there never ban Guild in TW

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1st the most important: there never "ban guild" in TW POE.


We are running some different kinds bots in TW POE near a year. just few EB for lvl up service and most are Chinese bots.

EB have the best effect on searching, moving, fighting, picking etc, but the worst on xfer items. It's such a pain to xfer items from boters to main char every day on EB.

(it's like 10-15mins per character at least)


The Chinese bots, all of them are using "Guild stash" instead of "Char stash", the main char just need stay in town and watch the Guild Stash.

It save us huge times for xfer items every day. so even EB can get more currency and items, we have to choose other bots for the main


alk plz we need this function very badly, hope it will come before act4.

thought u can just add an option select on "guild stash" "char stash". so TW can use "guild stash", others still "char stash"

after that done, EB must get many more users from TW.

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Now the bot uses ctrl+ click for deposit as far as I'm concerned 

It would need mouse movement for the guild stash + calculating how much space the item would take up etc

I guess we have and will have more difficult and important problems by a4

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you lazy cat, we don't need this function

If you running over 50 bots you should know how important this function is..

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We are working on this feature but it's taking time to implement.

Especially since interractions between player and guild stash must be handled differently.

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