rosie 2 Report post Posted July 24, 2014 Most tedious part of EB while levelling I found it to be the skills setup. As you progress and become able to use better items, you swap skills/gems about to increase effectiveness etc A suggestion for a quick skill setup (and helpful to everyone new and overwhelmed) would be a dropdown list of basic skills next to each skill value. UI change: Setting: Skill 1 (mouse_left), Value: Dropdown list with template default values, Melee, Ranged, AoE, Aura etc. Once the value has been selected the defaults for that skill are loaded from a template (could be part of the skills file). Example: Melee template section -> Priority=5, Cooldown=700ms (most common melee cooldown is 690ms, so to make it more human like/less detectable set to a close value), Max distance=400 (1 screen), Min=0, Target=All, Shift/Aura/Recast/Pressed=No, Monster Min=0, Monster range=100 Afterwards you can edit as normal to make more effective changes to your liking. Personally I use monster min=1 if it is single target skill such as dual strike (more dps) or 2 if its a more flexible skill such as molten strike (less dps/single target) In the future this can be expanded to include community optimised settings for each individual skill and make 90%+ of customers happy as they don't have to fiddle about with skills. Also it can make EB less detectable if skills are swapped around, which means different profile pattern in the long term (spam T button or LM??) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites