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Feature Suggestions/Requests

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Howdy peeps.


Been testing this bot for a few days now, and i already quite like it.

I would love to donate, but i have a few issues that i would like to address, and come with some possible solutions.


First of all, it seems very random which skill the bot is favouring.

I was running it on a spectral throw character, where my left mouse button was standard attack, right mouse button was spectral throw.

Setting up the bot to favour the right mouse button was easy. Everything was running smooth, and the bot actually never used standard attack.


So far so good. But then i switched to a cyclone build character. Same setup, standard attack on left, cyclone on right. With the EXACT same setup as before (just different skills), the bot now favours standard attack, and NEVER uses cyclone. I had to switch cyclone to my left button, for it to be used at all.


Is this a bug? Because from a logical standpoint, it doesn't make any sense.


Anyways! Enough of this. On to some suggestions. These are all problems i have encountered while running on a cyclone build.


Stuck on Walls/Decor/Objects with Cyclone


As cyclone is an attack that travels to the designated point of click, in a straight line, obstacles such as decorative objects (Go through The Library one or two times to see this in action), leaves you hanging on one side, while the monsters can clip you either through the corner of the object, or if ranged, they can attack you through (over) the object.


Your character will not attack, because it can not travel in a direct line to the monster that the bot is clicking.

A lot of other attacks, will re-position your character if it can not attack from your current position. But for cyclone, there is no auto re-positioning.


What i propose is fairly simple, and quite easy to implement, depending on how the coding was done i suppose.


Have an option, that allows you to continue pathfinding instead of attacking for X seconds, while ignoring monsters.

I believe you have measures in place to detect life loss (chicken), movement (pathfinding), attacking and cursor position.


I think it would work fine, if you could make something like:


If Mouse Cursor hasn't moved for X seconds, Character is not moving and/or character is taking X damage.

Then stop attacking/ignore monsters and continue pathfinding for X seconds.


That's what i have for now. 

I'll update this post if i find more :)

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For character position problem,


Could we just press enter on character list instead when the character placed on position 8 and above?

I think this tiny feature workaround will help many of us in the future.

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Cyclone recently got changed to movement spell so it's pathing got different

Try using a cwdt-lightning warp, it will solve the stuck problem

Or you can set a leap slam/light warp on a 10 sec cd and higher priority than cyclone, so the bot will "unstuck itself" once a while

_Never_ set anything to the left click pther than movement spell / move only

Bot uses it for pathing and (especially for meele-cyclone) if there is a skill(or normal attack) it will use that instead of moving.

This will fck up it's mind because it beeds to re calibrate where it is, what is it doing etc and that leads to the shit you can experience

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