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automatic progression bug

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i'm testing a lot the progression feature, and it get stuck very often on act 3, in the top right bridge, going up and down, also i want to know how can i help in improve this feature, its very helpfull..

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Where exactly in act three? Helps to post at least the last 50 lines of the log from "Lastrun.log" which you'll find in the Log subfolder of the bot's main folder.

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the bot get stucks anytime it needs to exit to the slums. instead of path naving to the left stairs, it just clicks to teh top right and trys to walk over impassible terrain. pausing the bot and moving him up the stairs and un-pausing causes it to continue progressing

Edited by archtaco

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happened again right after ive got the sewers key, but maybe it happens ar any random time, but i'm sure theres some trigger, unfortunately i dont have the lastrun log :( 

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Autoprogression works only up to Act4 and even those 4 acts works like shit. No work expected towards that afaik. So if u have problems, i u have to solve them manually, it wont be repaired.

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