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Combating Anti-Cheat

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I would like to know the steps exiled bot has taken to combat Anti-Cheat Systems put in place by GGG. I would like to know if i can use cheat engine to safely read game memory without being detected.
I would like to know how far can you go without being detected by anti-cheat of POE, i.e can i also write into process memory or can i only read game memory, can i interact with handles etc.

I am creating a bot for educational purposes and would like some medium of communication to seek some guidance.

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If you have read the readme file in the bot download, then you know that they specifically indicate that you should not bot for 8 hours or more.

No bot is undetectable. Some are much more difficult than others. You are taking the chance every time you bot that you will be discovered and banned. You are taking your chances and there is no one else to blame if you're banned. There are no guarantees with bots that you will not be caught and banned.

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I just want to know if you can safely read process memory with software's like "Cheat Engine" and other inbuilt functions in programming languages for in game variables which can be used as parameters to make scripts/bots.
I know you can do this safely on other games, but i dont know if the anti cheat of POE can detect if i read game memory.

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Now, that is something I cannot tell you. The bot has the ability to hide itself as a different existing process, but that's all I know about that end of things.

I will say, however, that CE directly accesses game data. I don't believe that this bot does that.

Hope you get the answer you're seeking. But, until then, I wouldn't mess with memory.

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