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Everything posted by 7heend

  1. 7heend

    Auto PoE

    nope, it closing it immediately
  2. 7heend

    Auto PoE

    Got an issue. Bot window opens & closes all the time, on character selection screen.
  3. 7heend

    Auto PoE

    Can u update autoPOE, it doesn't work again. And i'll very appreciate, if u keep it up to date It's very important feature
  4. 7heend

    Auto PoE

    For resolve this problem, you need to write all letters in lower case like "exiledbot.exe"
  5. 7heend

    act 1 town movement suffers

    After bot meets with vendor and stash after, his way to wp doesn't seems correct, he moves along the wall with 3-4 stops, but in result he get to wp anyway. town act 1
  6. 7heend

    Auto PoE

    AutoPOE doesn't work with new version. Stucks on character's screen and don't open up bot window. Please make it work. I'm very needed in this prog.
  7. 7heend

    Diablo III - Reaper of Souls

    what's the perspective to bot RoS, when they r closing trade/auc system? Is rmt will be still able in some form?
  8. Bot is ignoring Gravicius in "Barracks", kills all the mobs around him and run. I tried to change values in "Absurd_monster_hp" to 400 000 and 4 000 000 ---> for 200 000 default, nothing changed. What the solution?
  9. 7heend

    Skeleton shrine problems

    same prob
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