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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by mbxnir

  1. mbxnir

    Auto PoE

    looks like autopoe restarting bot every 20-30sec. i mean he press stop/start button even the bot is running fine. Some issue with detecting prolly
  2. mbxnir

    Auto PoE

    what is diso?
  3. mbxnir

    Auto PoE

    not working with new version of bot? at least mine dont want to start bot (i did rename .exe)
  4. mbxnir

    Auto PoE

    i can set this properties at shortcut but not at pathofexile.exe in poe folder :/ and the autopoe cant run shortcut as i can see... problem solved! http://forum.oszone.net/showthread.php?t=48507&page=all soz but find only in russian
  5. mbxnir

    Auto PoE

    what the arguments i need to add to make my poe (game client) run as administration? because i got this open file security warning from windows and nothing going after this. im using sharefolder for vm's VMware 7.1.6 build-744570 Windows 7 Ultimate Lite x86 Faster June 2012.waqarr
  6. mbxnir

    Item selling?

    much more valuable thing in elite section is howto set few bots at 1pc
  7. they detect bot for some other mark then exp time. friend was run bots 8h a day and get banned when bots was only 74lvl. Mine runs close to 24/7 for last 2 weeks almost lvl83 and still ok.
  8. mbxnir

    bot loop when cast aura

    problem showed up again. 3 different VM have same config for skills, pretty much clones. 2 of them working fine 1 is looping with aura casting. i have a bit higher latency today but i was check that. All my bots use vpn with same trace. I mean they all have same latency and 2 of them working... is the smth i can do with this issue except running without aura?
  9. mbxnir

    bot loop when cast aura

    fck it was because of ping. problem solved
  10. mbxnir

    bot loop when cast aura

    yes. 360-400 but befire that i used public vpn with 600-1000ping lol and it was work fine)
  11. mbxnir

    bot loop when cast aura

    I wosnt use bot for couple of days. Before this everything works fine. But today when i start bot he just keep spam aura button again and again. So working only if i turn off aura check. I try everything i can. Download new version, changed hotkeys, even try add cooldown for aura use. What it can be? Where is exiled bot keep settings in registry? I want to try cleen all and run it like at 1st time on this vm
  12. how the clone thing works? clone copy take same hdd/ram use as master vm? For clone i need workstation version? I was install workstation once but cant run poe couse of 3d driver didnt find out how to make it work so i switch back to vm player but run only 1 copy (
  13. mbxnir

    Bot Vendoring Uniques

    already working for me. Yes i was using lates version. Dont know what i did but its working now
  14. mbxnir

    Bot Vendoring Uniques

    there is an issue. have 1pc+1VM. At PC working fine but at VM with same config he selling all uniqes. Any suggestions? + IF i turn off smart pick bot not looting uniqes at all just ignored them.
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