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Everything posted by Kintaro

  1. Kintaro

    elite question

    es gibt nur eine bezahlte version. "elite" is so ein altes ding noch. es gibt genau EINE version. kaufen und loslegen. welche lizenz spielt keine rolle.
  2. Kintaro

    Bot Key

    the monthly license would suit you well with a "trial" time. don't tell me that 7,50$ is out of your budget to try a software before commiting for "lifetime"
  3. Kintaro

    Plz help me!! i can't active key!!!

    still problems?
  4. Kintaro

    New slack invite link?

  5. Kintaro

    Hello! Slack server

  6. Kintaro

    How to set Curse Aura ?

    choose blasphemy as aura. done. only one supported.
  7. Kintaro

    all good

    no, you just need to be smart. https://join.slack.com/t/exiled-bot-group/shared_invite/zt-1cr9aftep-Mit7aggnpYO1ZWVyOn_mew
  8. Kintaro

    Hi everyone!

  9. Kintaro

    Slack invite

  10. the community is not active in the forum. we are on Slack. feel free to join: https://join.slack.com/t/exiled-bot-group/shared_invite/zt-198py8lyo-WzlBVD15~vYNW1MffM50Sw
  11. Kintaro

    Let the bot runs high tier maps first

    those maps are being ignored because of rules. like ignoring reflect and no regen maps.
  12. Kintaro

    Quick question about followbot

    not sure what you mean. the bot can do maps and also do map transitions. most of them! not all! limited in features.
  13. Kintaro

    it closes and does nothing

    hard to tell whats wrong. please try to copy what i do from here. there is no magic to it! https://www.exiled-bot.net/community/topic/32381-eb-quickstart-tutorial-2022-virtual-machine-focus/
  14. please adjust the pickit to your needs. we cannot maintain the current meta since POE is a shitshow ^^
  15. Kintaro


  16. Kintaro

    Hi everyone!

    join Slack for further assistance
  17. Kintaro

    Где смотреть ключь

  18. Kintaro

    Key not working and unable to submit a support ticket

    i am sorry for the problems. please join Slack and contact me there! you cannot miss me! ^^ i will help you out, no worries!
  19. Kintaro

    Quest Progression Script

    no. you need to level by hand to maps.
  20. Kintaro

    Game update bot broken

    yes, the big banner on the main site of the forum.
  21. Kintaro


    wonderful! ^^
  22. Kintaro

    Game update bot broken

    in the future please join Slack to report updates. all works fine since friday
  23. botting while leveling is to be advised strongly against ^^
  24. Kintaro

    Hi everybody

    I see you in Slack already. Thank you for joining ^^. It will be a long journey ^^.
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