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Everything posted by Kintaro

  1. Kintaro

    spamming trans shop

    look into the guide section and watch my video
  2. please watch my guide and you will be fine https://exiled-bot.net/community/topic/34265-eb-quickstart-tutorial-from-start-to-finish-mapping-included/
  3. Kintaro

    Enable Ward loop not seeing Skeletons buff

    are you displaying the buffs in the options?
  4. Kintaro

    Lifetime License not working

    that is with me: please join slack and contact me there: https://join.slack.com/t/exiled-bot-group/shared_invite/zt-1qnrohstt-vrG2bYws_znhDjtbNRUGTw
  5. Kintaro

    Lifetime subscription canceled?

    we are in touch
  6. Kintaro

    [ Need Help ] Lifetime license stopped working

    we are in touch
  7. Kintaro

    about the exiled bot

    yes of course, join slack for more info and help
  8. Kintaro

    exile will work for incoming crucible ?

    the bot will be updated over the weekend for the new league, of course. depending on the difficulty - 1-4 days usually . do not expect saturday evening i would say - more likely sunday or monday.
  9. try normal mode and see if it works, if hiding does not work for you - that's an issue on your side. the information you are giving is also not sufficient to help you in any way. please join slack for further assistance https://join.slack.com/t/exiled-bot-group/shared_invite/zt-1qnrohstt-vrG2bYws_znhDjtbNRUGTw
  10. please join our Slack for support
  11. Kintaro

    Hey all

    yes, when the summons are always there - it works very nice. problem is to re-create summons in some instances. it depends highly how you do it. the bot can work with walking only.
  12. Kintaro

    Hey all

    nice ^^
  13. Kintaro


    feel free to join slack and chat. https://join.slack.com/t/exiled-bot-group/shared_invite/zt-1qnrohstt-vrG2bYws_znhDjtbNRUGTw
  14. Kintaro

    Open active 5 slot map

    you need to change the coordinates in the ini for it: https://join.slack.com/t/exiled-bot-group/shared_invite/zt-1qnrohstt-vrG2bYws_znhDjtbNRUGTw please join slack and we can help u there.
  15. Kintaro

    Working ?

    working yes, a small mistake can cause that behavior. please join slack and we can help u there. https://join.slack.com/t/exiled-bot-group/shared_invite/zt-1qnrohstt-vrG2bYws_znhDjtbNRUGTw
  16. Kintaro


  17. Kintaro


  18. Kintaro

    Slack.... yet again

    Here you go: https://join.slack.com/t/exiled-bot-group/shared_invite/zt-1qnrohstt-vrG2bYws_znhDjtbNRUGTw the invite link is never "unlimited" sadly
  19. Kintaro

    Slack.... yet again

  20. Kintaro

    Slack.... yet again

  21. Kintaro

    Picket by lootfilter

    the bot does not rely on visuals. using a random not adjusted loot filter will interfere with looting.
  22. Kintaro

    BOTMAIN | Dedicated POE Bot Hosting

    Although this is not a cooperation between Exile-Bot.net and BOTMAIN - I can personally confirm the usability of that offer and that there are no issues between the OS/Hardware and the bot usage. The advertised 30FPS lock with low POE visual settings is also no issue and will work just fine for you. If you have trouble running a virtual machine on your system - then this might be a solution for your problem. Keep in mind that we do not offer any support for this and that it is fully independent. It is a good addition to the POE botting Eco-System!
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