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Everything posted by DiciannoveGaming

  1. DiciannoveGaming

    Mirror of Kalandra dropped for me in Ambush!!

  2. DiciannoveGaming

    whose ass got banned last night?

    lost 13 but back again lols
  3. DiciannoveGaming

    15F issues

    Damn Crash most of the time doing Stash and upon entering botting place and mysteriously stops upon entering botting place no error or restart the program thingy just Stops lols Still picking Fake 5Link and White Trash Items and Blues Item on Cursor back again... T_________T
  4. DiciannoveGaming


    1 of my key is missing
  5. DiciannoveGaming

    WTB many Standart EXalts

    still need?
  6. DiciannoveGaming

    [BUG] 5-link detection not correct

    Iam having this too.. 1 hour botting page 1 stash full of 5 slot and white and blue trash lol!
  7. DiciannoveGaming

    Item on Cursor - ahk

    this would be cool
  9. DiciannoveGaming

    version v0.14e - Catacomb bug

    lol! also the head?? your one good ninja! hehe
  10. pls include it on the next update, that will help a lot with farming =) thanks!! like the one you did on the login screen window that now have a delay.
  11. DiciannoveGaming

    Want to get $100 USD, you good at graphics?

    hey game, can i still enter?
  12. DiciannoveGaming

    [Release] Chicken v0.2

    can you please update? tha nks!
  13. DiciannoveGaming

    Auto PoE

    Hi BlackSun my savior, does your baby handle crashes too? thanks!
  14. DiciannoveGaming

    Auto PoE

    working =) my only problem is when my net gets dc, earthvpn cant redial on its own LOL! i need to disconnect it and connect it manually. what are u using as VPN provider? hehe.. THANKS BLACKSUN! my Savior!
  15. DiciannoveGaming

    Auto PoE

    is this working now? thanks!
  16. DiciannoveGaming

    How much do you farm per 1 bot?

    go for, forest or city of sarn.. mob density is the trick =) i farm more than 1 ex per 5 hours, but beware forest and sarn is highly bananble.. so prepare to make new account. =) because forest and sarn is so small the bot can clear it 3 mins. additional tip guys Invest 1 Character make it to merciless that can solo bot docks. equip all gems slot make it to level 20.. then make it 20% = 1 exalt =) i make 10 20% a day, reduce mana is the best gem to make 20% quality.
  17. how do i change the value when hp pot will be ticked? i want to tick the hp pots only when iam on low life because i have 5 panicked hp pots thanks!
  18. @philatio could u post the one you mod? i want to close the two as well. thanks!
  19. DiciannoveGaming

    Auto PoE

    ohh.. ok that simplified things up.. Thanks BlackSun i got it working bro! sorry for my ignorance.. will post if i find any bugs.
  20. DiciannoveGaming

    Auto PoE

    thanks BlackSun! will try it later after work =) will post update! =) do i need another email? for example outlook? or just the aol mail? to set up pop 3? sorry. can i use this method? http://www.doteasy.com/tutorials/aol/
  21. DiciannoveGaming

    Auto PoE

    NICE! =) Bro can you post a tutorial on how to do the email verification thing? I'am Using yahoomail as my accounts emails, can i still use the email verification automatically? sorry bro i dont know anything about POP3 server Thanks!! could you post how to do the email verification? Thanks and sorry.
  22. DiciannoveGaming

    Garena Path of Exile

    Nice! thanks ALK! =)
  23. DiciannoveGaming

    [ASK]New POE Server Support ?

    yea me too wants SEA POE =) admin in garena is lazy! lols..i transfered to poe sea, my main is now lvl 51, waiting to leech bot account to merciless =)
  24. DiciannoveGaming

    Garena Path of Exile

    me too, i transfered to garena POE simply because the admin in Garena is lazy, GGG staff is so aggre on finding us botters lols.
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