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Everything posted by Darakuli
Lol GGG have ruined the game
Yea I didnt check for a Static IP which I should of done, But its not the "new location" on every reboot etc... Its litterly every single time I log out or exit to login screen with bot, I have to retype, I would be happy if it happened once a day as I only bot for around 6 hours or so a day but its not, Im currently having to resort to letting my character die all the time instead of chickening because it will not log back in. Also with you saying "You dont have to use TMAC" Can GGG find my actual mac address when its being run through the VM's interface? Because if not ill just scrap using TMAC anyways.
Ive tried and tested it and its only TMAC that causes it, If I just use my VPN and log in to an account, I can exit to login and log straight back in, My VPN's IP is constantly the same, I monitor it, On a nighttime I put the IP on Notepad, And check it in the morning see if it has changed, But it doesnt. Like I said, Logging in without TMAC active workds perfectly fine, As soon as my mac changes it just becomes wierd... Is it imperative that I change my MAC Address? As my actual modem mac address is different to the MAC address issued by VMWare, But not sure if thats just a dummy MAC and my real MAC address is hidden behind it. 00-0C-29-ED-9B-74 VMware, Inc. (Address: 3401 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto CA 94304, UNITED STATES) Thats the MAC address im currently getting with VMWare The one im using atm is: [00-00-12] INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LIMITED (Address: MAYLANDS AVE. HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, HERTS ENGLAND, UNITED KINGDOM) Thats the address for it And my Actual MAC Address is: D0-50-99-42-84-D3 So the VMWare one and my Actual one from my Host PC are different, So im guessing I shouldnt have to change them? Also these are the emails I get from PoE: First time it comes up I get this: Your Path of Exile account has been locked because someone attempted to log in from a location that you don't typically play from - "Rosendaal, Gelderland, Netherlands". However, After I put the code in, It comes up again asking for a code to which I get this in the next email: Your Path of Exile account has been locked because someone attempted to log in from a location that you don't typically play from - "N/A, N/A, Netherlands". Works after putting unlock code everytime, Just the odd occasion it will switch to Rosendaal From NA However its still asking me to enter the password EVERYTIME I log in even though I dont get any new IP's
Ok so, I spoke to Alkpone earlier on the Shoutbox, And im really unsure on this now as I have read 1 guide saying you TMAC to change your mac address but then alk is saying you dont need it... So heres my question: Im currently using VMWare to run my bots, Now the problem ive got is if my client logs out for any reason whatsoever I get the error of "You are logging in from a new location" and its to do with TMAC. Now when I look on TMAC im not actually getting my Mac Address from the Local Area Connection 1, Im getting a VMware Mac Address, If this is the case then is my actual modem mac address hidden from GGG? Would be an absolute treat if I could scrap TMAC completely as I will just be able to leave the bot running 24/7 with idle intervals. Thanks.
You cant use Flameblast with the bot due to the fact that it must be held down to create the circle and the bot just does single clicks.
Yea, All you need to do is use the Change Profile option, What I tend to do is Copy my main file in the Configurations folder (I do this because all my settings are then preset) And rename them to whatever you want: Like mine is: Act 1 Normal Ledge Act 1 Normal Prison Act 1 Merveil Then just go onto the bots UI and under the Main Settings tab just tick Enable on the Auto Profile Changer, And choose the one you wish to switch to.
Im just wondering, Im currently botting on my PC using 2 Virtual Machines which are both full clones of another VM, Im also playing on my main account directly from the same PC, What are the chances of getting my Main Account banned while the other 2 are botting in the background. Also, What is the safest way to actually trade the currency between the characters? 1 more thing, If my main account does get banned what are the chances of an unban if I explain that I live in a housing accomodation with another 11 people and some of them do actually play Path Of Exile? Obviously im not, But I would like to know any kind of loop hole of getting my main account banned, Bought 36 Stash tabs, Dont really wanna be losing them all. Thanks.
Well, Just an update for everyone who is using this, the F1 trick works on stopping the flickering, Ive just exited to login screen, Logged back in and its working perfectly, It comes straight back on and removes the flickering
Well, Ive figured out a way to get rid of the really bright white screen and flickering, Just bot with your FPS etc... on your screen, It keeps it within colour, But has anyone figured out how to stop the 3-5 second freezes that happen every 20 seconds? :/