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Everything posted by Watah
You mean that is why windows stole virtually everything Windows users are familiar with from Linux and other GNU developers. So then to fix that Linux sux for gaming! But is FAR superior to Windows in many aspects including security, customization, and most importantly PRICE! However if you configure the virtual machine properly with a Windows operating system, and properly install .net and DX run time on the VM it will work just fine. Tested it on my work laptop other day just for fun, running Fedora Core 13 flavor of linux. What flavor of linux are you running username1001101? Id make sure that it is all up to date, and only install VMWare or VirtualBox via command line, or a package manager (Yum, Muon, ETC). Some flavors of linux dont take kindly to those auto install pkgs you can download via there websites even if your logged in as ROOT. Dynamic Kernel Module Support is often recommended before using a VM on a linux machine as well. Check yum for or muon for DKMS, or if your running these flavors just open a terminal and paste! Fedora core: yum install dkms Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install dkms or if your already SU or ROOT just apt-get install dkms Once you get VMs working on a linux box the linux box itself requires such low resources you can much more aggresively allocate resources to the VM making it much more stable/smooth. Yet another thing linux RULES for virtualization. In fact im almost certain they invented that to! Good luck. -Watah
Also alot of people consider scrolls "useless" however i keep them all in one tab until it is completely full, then I use a simple little clicker macro to turn Wisdom>Portal>Trasmutation>Augment>Alts, I dont hold more Transmutations than you see in that screenshot once I turn all my scrolls into transmutes I pull all those out as well and make a ton of Alts, which I also no longer keep. Still stashing some jewellers untill I get 2 full rows of them, and then it will be Fusings. A entire tab of scrolls, and 5-10 mins afk ctrl+clicking turns into a lot more jewellers than you think. 1 row of portals = 4 alts 1 row of wisdoms = 1.3 alts So 10 rows figure, 6 are wisdom, 4 are portals, thats 1stack of alts and some change. Doesnt sound like much unless your getting that every 2daysish then its pretty decent. Add in the 6-7 stacks of transmutes, 4-5 stacks of augs, both currencies I no longer value and act3cruel clarissa is my best friend. Only downside is inventory space, but I also use logmein.com, a free web remote desktop client, so I am able to stash stuff twice a day at work, as well as once before I go to bed, and once when I wake up. Also helps for a random crash or something ( Almost never happens ). -Watah
1: 143% on Leap Slam with 20/20 IIQ gem linked. 2: Thanks =P 1: 3+4 My second tabs getting pretty sexy now to.2: Yah IIQ is all that works for currency items. IIR works for uniques or rares but I don't really care much about those. 1: Oracle VirtualBox, very similar to VMWare. 2: Leap Slam DUH! <3 3: Merciless Sarn, as Beast said this is the only way to go. (Until pathing is implemented anyways, Lunaris could get pretty sexy then. Although leap slam would no longer be required/ideal)
1. You need to create a virtual machine, I recommend VMWare Player, or Virtual Box. 2. Find a windows .iso file and install windows on the virtual machine. 3. Download POE, .net framework, DirectX, and Exiled Bot on the virtual machine. Wine is a windows emulator, it is not gonna work with exiled bot, you can probably run and play POE just fine, but the bot is windows specific. Somehow had a decent thread around here about setting up VM's as well and I am thinking about making a little mini guide as to how I VM multiple bots with specific settings and stuff soon. -Watah
Yup they just wanted to get in on the tablet game, as that is all that a lot of the young people are even using these days I hear. I work in IT for a pretty large company and we are still using XP on 90% of the workstations. Faced with the option of upgrading to W7 or W8 next year, Windows 8 got laughed out of the meeting even though it was somehow the cheaper option. I probably wouldn't be using it if I didn't get a free copy from Microsoft and wasn't to lazy to switch back, not to mention I would lose at least 3 hrs of bot up time installing W7 and downloading POE again.
City of Sarn + A lot of IIQ.
A lot more than this really but that is one tab of the madness that has been transferred off my bot accounts onto my main. Looted 4 exalts, and made about 5 more through 20/20 gems so far. They are on a special tab though -Watah
So this may be obvious to alot of people but then again maybe not. One technique I have discovered to make ALOT of extra currency through botting is by using only 1 6 linked ability to farm, and using my remaining 26 gems slots to constantly level high demand gems. Once the gem is level 20 it can vendored with 1 GCP to yield a 20% quality gem that you can then sell for 5-10GCP, or you can slap it back in and get a lvl 20 quality 20% gem that can sell for 1exalted + depending on the gem. So yah just something to consider when your not really botting for XP and your only interested in currency. I also use a Astramentis Onyx Amulet on my character which provides me enough raw stats to level any gem to lvl 20, so I am not restricted to red or green gems only. Not gonna go into what gems I prefer to level because no need saturating my market but I am sure it wont take you long to figure out what gems are the most valuable 20/20 or 20/1 (Quality/Level). Really any 20% gem can be quite valuable just need to find the right buyer whos build depends on it. TLDR: Try to bot with 1 ability, a junk 6 socket backup weapon, and as many sockets as possible filled with valuable gems, once leveled vendor with a GCP and sell the 20%er, or put it back in and wait for 20/20 to sell. -Watah
There is 2 apps I use, I know how retarded that sounds Apps on windows lol, but yah ViStart, and ViKeys gives you that windows 7 feel with the start button and the windows key binds are back as well. Windows 8 is designed with touch screens in mind as default but you can undo all that and make it just a newer faster version of windows 7 with a little tweaking/optimizing.
I use windows 8 64 bit and everything has worked fine for me so far. 3 new level 80s on 3 new accounts and counting.
Just quit smoking cigarettes on my 3rd week of Nicoderm CQ (StepTwo). Thankfully I am in Colorado and have 6 very nice very legal Sour Diesel plants keeping me well stocked on bong hits.
Wouldn't recommend using molten shell, it may be possible to set up using like a really high min distance for that ability in the skills.ini like 800, with 0 as the max distance for infinite max distance. Again though wouldn't recommend using molten shell, the bot will probably just try to spam molten shell at max range and do nothing.TLDR: Probs shouldn't use molten shell. Not yet. HP and Mana flasks only. Not really a specific class per say but in my experience it is better on tanky heros that can spam 1 spell and shit on everything.IE : Leap Slammers (Kripps build on exilepro.com), anything else that is semi tanky with good aoe. Gets updated almost weekly, its still fairly new so it will be constantly improving. Untill pathing is completed i STRONGLY recommend using a auto hotkey script Top Left for city of sarn (Or maybe shreks gui i hear thats pretty good and has that feature built in although i have never used it myself). And again if you have like a 5link and can get by with spamming 1 spell that has yielded the best results for me personally. 1 Aoe spell with 0/0 distances, with a gap closer spell (leap slam, flicker strike, etc) with a min distance of like 250 works well to if your botting areas with alot of ledges or staircases like sarn.
The boot auto loots legendaries, skill gems, maps, and currency items. You can setup your pickit so that the bot only picks up quality gems (Recommended) just edit your pickit.ini to gem quality 5 intead of 0. Alt to loot and the Z auto hide junk items settings in POE also help in my experience.
[MANA POT USAGE] use on amount not on percentage
d12 replied to topic's Watah in Exiled Bot Feature Request
Yah so if you divide your total mana by the cost of the skill you will get the % that is = to your exact amount of mana on use. Using the 50 mana example 50 divided by 400 = .125 So entering .125 as your mana flask value will make it use the potion at 50 mana. I think ideally you would want to use the flask before you get to your exact mana cost so when you end up with a crazy decimal like .1363243 just round it out to like .14 and it should work the way you want it to. -
[MANA POT USAGE] use on amount not on percentage
d12 replied to topic's Watah in Exiled Bot Feature Request
So if you want to use a pot when you have say 100 mana left, and you have 400 mana set it to 25%? Maybe i am confused but you cant modify the % to use the pot on any amount of mana you want with a little math? -
I have a new build I have been running with instant lifesteal and no regen from pots so I have been running all granite/quicksilver flasks, I figured when I started botting it might use granite flasks on HP like the quicksilver flasks and just spamm them at like 90% hp to make me invincible, but it doesn't use them at all. Would be nice if it would use granite or hp flask on a certain hp% and should be a simple fix to =P
On death the no kill timer should kick in and logout/relog. At least that what it does for me. Ive got my merciless sarn farm character set with no chicken and just enuff gear to farm effectively but die now and then so I don't outlevel the zone and encounter a iiq penalty. -Watah