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Everything posted by xrdx
hey!! the bots not workin!!! i say teh bots not workkeeennnn!!!!!!!! hey wait... teh bot...is...not...woorrkeeen!!! only joking with ya had a smoke, lol
played about with that it helps but doesnt help? what i have found tho is wierd :@ the screen it has up to the WP selection that isnt working if i do it manualy it doesnt click properly unles i close WP and reopen the wp?... its asif the bot has clicked on a fake WP screen or pressed ''u'' sometimes, othertimes yeah the lag issue works at 850ms duno why its slow? im on a sick ass pc here
it spams 40 times before pressing new instance?? why it does on every location lol, eventualy it gets there somtimes its 2 times sometimes it 40 footage to match it!!
doin my new char now, and manual doign little bits to get it thru to the next area , could the bot do all quests as it goes atall? or is that waiting on pathfinding? also mainly my bot i cvant get it to use the 2nd spell, it only uses the left click, how can i get it to rightcluck groups and left click single mobs/specials i wana use double striek in combo with leapslam
Most everybody can figure out how to change their IP address using Control Panel, but did you know you can set your network card’s IP address using a simple command from the command prompt? Note: The following commands require you to have an administrative command prompt open by right-clicking on the icon and choosing Run as Administrator. Changing Your IP Address Changing your IP information requires two commands, one for your IP address, subnet mask and default gateway and another for your DNS settings. In order to change your IP address we use the netsh command, the exact command you want to use is the following: netsh interface ip set address name=”Local Area Connection” static This assumes the following: The name of the interface you want to change the IP address for is Local Area Network You want to statically assign an IP address of You want to set a subnet mask of You want to set a default gateway of Armed with this information you should obviously switch the settings out for some that are suited to your network. You might, however, be wondering how you can go from using an already set static IP address to getting an address from DHCP. In this case the command you are looking for is: netsh interface ip set address name=”Local Area Connection” source=dhcp Changing Your DNS Settings As far as DNS goes you only have two settings to set, a primary DNS server as well as a secondary one. The command to set them is almost identical, to set your primary DNS server you will want to use: netsh interface ip set dns name=”Local Area Connection” static This again assumes a few things: The name of the interface you want to change the primary DNS setting for is Local Area Network The IP address of the DNS Server is To change the IP address of the secondary DNS server you will need to specify the index parameter: netsh interface ip add dns name=”Local Area Connection” index=2 The above command would set your network adapter named Local Area Connection to use a secondary DNS server address of (which is the Google public DNS servers, incase you didn’t know). The last thing you might want to do it set your DNS settings to be assigned dynamically, which can be done through the following command. netsh interface ip set dnsservers name=”Local Area Connection” source=dhcp That’s all the command line magic you are going to need to impress some of your friends,get rich and avoid multibans so what are you waiting for? GET BOTTING
[Unofficial] EBG (ExiledBot GUI) v2.1a [11/03/13]
Shrek_III replied to topic's xrdx in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
found it lol, needs updating in announcements it fails to dl -
[AUTO LOGON] Automatically logon and detect character
Crackjack replied to topic's xrdx in Exiled Bot Feature Request
ha lol never thaught of that !! pro -
yeah i mean couldnt one of us help you by fidning/doing some item codes for you?
haha nice one love to you all!!!!
i know this is probly already being thaught of, im up early with the kids so forgive my typing im shattered a menu/splash screen to simplify everything on setup? i miss this screen lol
[AUTO LOGON] Automatically logon and detect character
Crackjack replied to topic's xrdx in Exiled Bot Feature Request
in the event of a pwoercut then the feature ''start on windows startup'' needs adding too xD auto pc botting mmmm what a dream 1 button and bot goes lol -
cant you explain and get your minions here doin the item codes lol? save ya some time? or could you change unique items and yellow items to a different colour shade and have the bot scan that colour? i know its not specific but.. item level maybe to narrow down crap?
do you mean liek diablo bots ? (number 2) where you typed !party for itto party you and !tp for a tp or !ng for next game etc and it basicly runs and farms, so in theory you could charge people to join epic runs, or have mates follow it for xp / items?
lemi know when and ill test xD well good to hear i guess its all about how publicly accessable the bots secret scripts are thats made a risk ive always thaught theyd see the 24/7 activity and assume bot but i see what your saying about basicly making it more realistic gameplay randomising every action . well i guess big runs is key, so ill be going fellshrine,docks,lunaris,battlefront, mevril and few other locations i take it this si what your meaning? also for anarchy mode maybe a rouge exile hunter? running all areas and farming exiles? like the ole d2 diablo clone hunters xD soj sold to merchant lol damn that was fun i miss the uber trist bots lol i made somuch fg with that service , used to get my fg up fast and convert into gold or items for rmah cashout d2 was the easyest game to make money on i sware lol shame it died
welcome dude good to see another dad in here whos not much time any more lol, i feel for ya mate i know the story lol drop me a pm we can hit some docks
1 feature that seems to have keepen me verry safe is a randomised game play. eg there is a drop down menu (obviously on better release not demo) where u can select the bot to run for 2h off for 15m run for 4h off 2h on for 1 h etc this way the bot is pausing at random intervals, users could make there own or random generate times. this look more like a natural gamer going for coffee and having some pub time or family time and coming back to the addiction, anti monitoring mode other thing ive thought about is dual log in, having area for 2 accounts to be entered, and have it swap scripts every 12 hrs or so, thus allowing contiuned botting but via a different account lowering activity but maximising botting
haha i got 2 boys!! big boys too lol stocky breed here all marauders yeah we had 3 kids and had an 'accident'' we whent to hospis to take care of it and they said '' im afraid its twins i have to tell you'' damn i stripped naked in that room GOD totaly different feeling lol too special to get rid of them then so we kept them , and damn lol 1 years 3 months ive got broken stairgates to peeled wall paper they are pure boys ... little shits!! drive me absolutely mad lol but i love them lol and im proud! ive got 2 twin boys that are just as mischievoius and cheeky as i was lol i wudnt change them for the world i never thaught id have twins lol i never thaught id have 5 kids with the oldest being 6 lol getting ready for school as we speak, and the biggest twin .. yea both are big but we have a big set beefy jack and a bigset smaller ollie lol, there inseperatable , are in the hall shouting NO and shutup at our oldest lol, when 1 stays out at grans...the other will shout his name and look for him, we got gak for jack and ooorreeee for oillie lol awsome busy busy times lol, im defo staying here matey waiting payday so i can donor access spent up on nappies atm lol they go twice as quick with twins well ill be back to do some testing again at 9ish when it quietens down youve defo go my iinput will be glad to see this develope knowing ive helped along the way good job beast just lemi know if ya need anything and im sure if ya keep at it lol ya wil get soem twinnies
heya im 25 a father of 5 and game when i can, its hard i get an hour here n an hour there now lol, had twins not logn ago, so i struggle to keep up with my old game style i am an x diablo 1/2/3 player and more games too but, these 3 i hacked on, i was a jsp donor and bot user then used others like buddy and damn i dont remeber the names so manyy and so many years, diablo 3 i had a bot from rush4x set up pretty cool, ran 3 accounts barb wiz and a monk, monk i soloed legit to paragon 97 then botted him t 98 i had a ah bot and made my bucks back never got banned tho, currency is so cheap now on there i moved to poe, sofar ive sold 4 exalted from just playing about when i can at £5 each and more shit well here i am xD i need a bot