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Everything posted by xrdx
i have 12 accounts now all level 65-75 where do u bot and what level cause i find items even with iiq are getting less currency too, so i have to remake lol, i have 4 leapslammers 3 fire trappers, 4 explosive arrows, and my new 1 im hoping of getting good on bot, my culler witch so do you stil use your high end char to bot? how why and where
[Unofficial] EBG (ExiledBot GUI) v2.1a [11/03/13]
Shrek_III replied to topic's xrdx in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
i changed my desctop to 800/600 and ebg wud show up as a white box if i alter it out to 1029/10xx it works like a charm, the bots running again now i mean its killing atleast fekin commited suiside to get a scrol and open a chest, so ive unticked open chest and scrols, -
[Unofficial] EBG (ExiledBot GUI) v2.1a [11/03/13]
Shrek_III replied to topic's xrdx in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
i didnt know what you would or might need mate, im not writing it :S so i posted all log relevant.... can i ask how im not using the new gui?? i downladed it and i did the ''get update'' it updaeded it and the bugs or so it has told me, i mean when ya start it up it always says update if there is 1 how coudl i ave not done it?? i know about act 2 only thats why i said i know, i just thaught if your obviously gona fix other acts too id post what happened to me when i accidently did it, just tryin to help, ive follwoed and done all updates everytime i see them, and im stil havin massive errors compared to the old edit that worked fine, its spamming auras at mobs or stck on the wp, ive increased click delay toi 1000 to running into packs, im not even using the inv dump any more i dont trust it, i cant get it workign act 2 either, so im happy with curency only for now, and levels, but that wotn even happen anymore :S -
tryed that too ive had to set them on left and right, 1 of them aloen wont do it :S duno why cureently spamming auras at mobs,, fixed that now 24hrs stuck on wp
chaos bitches !!!! lol
dude i cant even get the bot workign now duno why it spams auras at mobs it fills with trash items
my VM works like this.. i went to my friends he droped a pc down the stairs i took it home it worked, ive now got a pc in the corner deddicated to your bot xD lol
i tryed left button i tryed right button, i tryed presssing z i tryed lettint it loot its selt, i selected and unselected that setting.... my bot fills with whites and thinks there fuckign godly!!! it wotn throw em it wotn sell em, it wqont stop pickign them up lol after 30 misn botting i have to checker my stash or it wotn pick anythign up cause its full lol
mate xD get ya sen perandus blazon,2 rings with iiq gloves iiq helm etc i got 40 max iiq., and 40 iir now i farm the sarn!! when im bored at sarn id make it run docks under XR lol now its different they got movement for docks xD any item drops anywhere matey anywhere!!!! ive had exalt on act 1 normal at lvl 13ish
[Unofficial] EBG (ExiledBot GUI) v2.1a [11/03/13]
Shrek_III replied to topic's xrdx in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
i know its not your responsibility mate lol but the bats been spamming in town log my items exit log my items exit, finaly it goes into combat runs along the top side and stands at the monsters lol, i know ya workign on it, i see inv needs act 2... but iw as only ytrying to dump them? lol im act 3 sarn, hope this wil help ya with anything, i can make videeo if ya need more feedback dude keep up the work THEN i come back and i see it ''kep drop''in on my helm!! i shit it so on the 50th f12 it paused and i saw my 2 ex axe on the floor too damn lucky i came int he room lol, was outside xD just letin ya know so ya can fix it, duno wtf its doing, i cant bot without dieing lol and im epic leaper lvl 74 lol, it was fine before this update farmed everythign without dieing 1nce, now im either *spammed item logging *standing at mobs *throing my awsome shit away (sorry if you think its trash lol but i dont xD) *oooh yeah another 1... it takes off my auras recasts them alot lol [global] hotkey_1=Alt+A hotkey_2=Alt+B hotkey_3=Alt+C hotkey_4=Alt+D hotkey_5=Alt+E window_top=25 window_left=814 hotkey_buyItems=Alt+B [aura_cry_curse] skill_q_aura=false skill_w_aura=false skill_e_aura=false skill_r_aura=false skill_t_aura=false [enh_randommove] window_top=742 window_left=417 [enh_gemleveler] window_top=771 window_left=420 [enh_auracrycurse] window_top=742 window_left=250 [enh_remainactive] window_top=778 window_left=86 [start] last_profile=lol [enh_invcleaner] window_top=702 window_left=586 [general] enable_game_automatic_restart=true ; Define here if you want to game to automatically restart when closed. Moreover, true will start the game unpaused and false will start the game paused. character_to_use=0 ; Define here which character you want to use in the character selection screen (default : 0, top character). run_max_time=300 ; maximum time (in seconds) allowed per run. when timer is reached, exit to login and start again monster_no_kill_timeout=30 ; if the bot didn't kill anything during last 300s (default), next instance! (set to 0 to disable this feature) zone_to_clean_difficulty=3 ; Set the difficulty desired (1 = normal, 2 = cruel, 3 = merciless) zone_to_clean_act=3 ; Important!! you have to give the act which the zone belongs zone_to_clean=the_city_of_sarn ; Zone like written in coordinates.ini without _x/_y last_difficulty_unlocked=3 ; Last difficulty unlocked (1 = normal, 2 = cruel, 3 = merciless) last_act_unlocked=3 ; Last act unlocked use_alt_to_loot=true ; If you want to use Alt to loot items, setting this option to true may reduce the number of crap loot, to use this parameter open_chest=true ; open chest at range chest_range=600 ; open chest under this range (clean monsters before) (0 : infinite) [combat] monster_max_attack_distance_value=0 ; Max distance to engage monsters safe_range=300 ; Bot will kill any monster at this range before looting anything (chest and item) [flasks] chicken_life_percent=0.30 ; if life goes below this value, chicken (not working atm) chicken_energy_shield_percent=0.00 ; if energy shield goes below this value, chicken (default : 0, means that it is desactivated) use_life_flask_percent=0.75 ; if life goes below this value, use pot (default : 0.75) use_mana_flask_percent=0.00 ; if mana goes below this value, use pot (default : 0.2) flask_key_slot1=1 ; Flask key in first slot (begining from left) flask_slot1_recharge_rate=7000 ; Flask healing time (in millisecond) flask_key_slot2=2 ; Flask key in second slot (begining from left) flask_slot2_recharge_rate=6500 ; Flask healing time (in millisecond) flask_key_slot3=3 ; Flask key in third slot (begining from left) flask_slot3_recharge_rate=0 ; Flask healing time (in millisecond) flask_key_slot4=4 ; Flask key in fourth slot (begining from left) flask_slot4_recharge_rate=5600 ; Flask healing time (in millisecond) flask_key_slot5=5 ; Flask key in fifth slot (begining from left) flask_slot5_recharge_rate=5600 ; Flask healing time (in millisecond) flask_delay=3000 ; Flask cooldown to avoid using flask multiple times when low life (default : 3000) -
[Unofficial] EBG (ExiledBot GUI) v2.1a [11/03/13]
Shrek_III replied to topic's xrdx in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
ali can do is upodate :( -
so this is why i get full with white items ? lol i tryed to set as left click n i got the same he ran at the mobs thinking he was gona discharge like a bomber i think lol im gona watch this to match mine up, so the ebg is bad atm til update? also when can i bot my discharger xD lol or i might try and optimise leapslam on it til its 70
not bad xD i spent aroudn 6 ex on my gear xD lol
finaly i am getin good, but i can work out wht rings n amulets i need now lol im 72 i was using carcas jacs just swaped for 1800def resi chest 5 link, an epic axe with 19 aps in total my resists are 65/66/75/-60 life 1.5k :S defence is 11k, and damage is 3.9k with 0.21 aps i dont die even in maps only every now n then wen i get laaag what rings n amulets do i need?? andf curios to what u all wear ~(leap slam) im makin my 2nd slammer now
i wil im movign house atm gota find alot for my bond next week lol, after we move (10days) im donating alot dude you deserve it wil defo call ya on the map in a few days :D
omg lol i cant believe it!! i mean thankyou beasty and alkapone you fuckgin giant fucker fuckers!!! omfg i cant believe it, i suck i suck i suck as i said ive 5 kids i have no time, i saw 2 exalt and i almost shit myself ive never seen them exept chance when i first started i got 1 n sold it lol, now im botting, and im 76 finaly and omfg again omfgggg wow i found..... a......... unique........... malestrom map - mountain ledge 399% fo god damn sake lol i youtubed it, it looks hacked itself!!!! omfg lol wtf have i found lol thankyou so much !!! thankyou i offer alkapone and bloody a palce in anarchy for this with me and my friend if ya want otherwise we solo it, so we need the bot to run a ledge run lol in VM while we play our mains in the map protecting the bots leaping haha damn lol il save this map til i know i can do it but god damn thankyou man !!! i wudnt have done this find without EXILE BOT!!!!! omfg haters who say it sucks .... LOL get a life this is siiiiiickkkkkkk thankyou again
[AUTO DIE] dies automatically somewhere at about 50-80% exp
d12 replied to topic's xrdx in Exiled Bot Feature Request
sinxe when does it pick up uniques>>??? when i fget to layout my inventory it fills with flasks and white items :S 1 way to help is use a void maul and optimise it -
ive an exalted and a few bits lol, if i am after a 5 link with say 1000+ defence and maxlife howmcuh would this cost?
my screen looks like a random runing progam atm xD i didnt even know they did an update! ran the bot and he runs full pelt for the shop nps lol, desprate for the update lol, found 3 exalt yesterday and got 72 and 15 maps!! so am runing maps til i can bot lol howcome ya screens bright as hell lol? looks too high contrast, the new exile gui coming out? or are we using shreks? he has new release at the weekend looks awsome!! i wanted xbox diablo 3 lol but then i saw they dotn mittigate the charge over or blend them in i wish i coudl play pc or xbxo off it, it seems more of an exbox game than pc where as diablo 2 and poe are more pc
howmany weeks did you run it for lol? and i didnt know iiq would increase currenct drops?
[Unofficial] EBG (ExiledBot GUI) v2.1a [11/03/13]
Shrek_III replied to topic's xrdx in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
how do i add random movement back to the bot after update? also it has like 4 zones? how do i add it to different zones? -
are you serious?? are you really ..o.. my .. some 1 help me out here!! mate.... look at the title...... look at the date..... look at poe patch date.... see they all match?? see the other randoms beign flamed?? dude this thread is about the bloody patch your talkin about and these comments are about people who didnt even think of reading before posting i.e you ohh myyy!! sorry to be rude.. can i ask how old u r?
hahahaha lol i was pissin about didnt expect ppl top really ask it LOL damn! nowt a about beign lazy lol, i mean if ya took the time to read the forum u wud see it doesnt work after a patch you wait 12-24 hrs max for a new update ! i mean duuuude!! why post str8 away n let others do it for ya..... wqork it out ya self do some probing it aint hard to find out that no 1s bot works atm lol ya first post too to say that? lol you didnt ask mate so why defend what u didnt do lol welcoemt o the forum, i hope your a reader not a leecher enjoy ya stay
i dotn understadn this atall lol wtf is it lol, i leave mine as it is my arrows shoot and my leaper leaps :S you meani can tweak him better?? how and why lol