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Everything posted by alkpone

  1. alkpone

    6 socket items?

    Yes, me the first night I tried it, the bot dropped like 3 or 4 6S items, my inv was full so I disable the option and never used it again lol.
  2. alkpone

    Bot fails at waypoint selection

    I just release a new version that should fix that bug.
  3. Bot version 0.10 has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/sta ... Beta_v0.10 Improvements since 0.9d : [*:3dag6u64]Beginning of the Open Beta Phase. [*:3dag6u64]Bot doesn't stuck itself anymore on WP selection. [*:3dag6u64]Bot shouldn't get stucked in pathing loop anymore.
  4. Hey cowmoo275, welcome here. Can you post your config.ini file here ?
  5. alkpone

    Banhammer This Morning

    Yes they just banned some suspicious account (lot of connected time, etc). You can be sure that the bot is still undetected and if you send them an email saying like "Wtf ? I'm banned ??? Why ? Please fix it I wanna play !!", they will most likely unban you. BTW the bot was running on my comp during the whole night and no ban in the morning.
  6. You could easily create a cheat engine file from his script and then try to see what changed on game update. Just have to see the path he's taking from the base offset.
  7. I know that there is a lot of people here using Wrongusername's work so here it is, updated for the last game version. Enjoy !!
  8. alkpone

    Hey there guys just donated 20$ :)

    Just came back from the show Gogol Bordello and promoted you \O/ Thanks a lot for the donation man it really helps !!
  9. alkpone

    Botting guidelines

    Nice! Thanks dude.
  10. alkpone

    Yo It's Me!

    Hey dude !! Thanks for your support Welcome here, and I hope you'll both enjoy the bot a lot.
  11. Bot version 0.9d has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/sta ... lpha_v0.9d Improvements since 0.9c : [*:3re3uu61]Offsets updated for game version 0.11.6b.
  12. Bot version 0.9c has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/sta ... lpha_v0.9c Improvements since 0.9b : [*:xcdgimf8]Offsets updated for game version 0.11.6. [*:xcdgimf8]AI_loop_delay default value changed from 10 to 40.
  13. alkpone


    Gratz !! ^^
  14. So what about this project ? Is it tested ? Works ?
  15. alkpone

    THX for 0.9b

    You are welcome man!! And be prepared future versions will be even crazier xD Currently I'm working on user experience improvement and searching how game is handling inventories.
  16. alkpone

    Just became a donar.

    Gratz !!
  17. Thanks for the suggestions madmayhem, this is already on the todo list for some time but I didn't find time to take care of it. Maybe we could keep here a list of the generic behaviours wanted depending of each non-life/mana flask type. It would help a lot to improve flask AI.
  18. Bot version 0.9b has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/sta ... lpha_v0.9b Improvements since 0.9 : [*:328zhmby]Offsets updated for game version 0.11.5e. [*:328zhmby]Improved bot clicks speed (you can still control it via the AI_loop_delay key from system.ini file). [*:328zhmby]Bot should properly chicken when stucked in town. [*:328zhmby]Fixed one more "stucked in computation bug". [*:328zhmby]Gem leveling fixed.
  19. Okay, no problem for hosting it on exiled-bot once it's ready. BTW I'm sure we'll find plenty of way to interface your work and the bot in the future!!
  20. alkpone

    Path of Exiled issue : Heavy fps drop

    Took out all the dirt from inside my macbook pro, now everything is working like a charm xD (Yeah 3 months after.......)
  21. alkpone

    Currencies Exchange Rates

    I though that it would be great to have a topic dedicated to market prices and exchange rates. For now the only references I know are : http://www.poeex.info/ and http://www.poecalc.com The problem is that it doesn't seem that these sites are actualized nor very accurate and there is no specific to leagues information. If we could find a good way to have prices actualized here, for each league, I'm sure that everybody will love it
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