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Everything posted by alkpone

  1. alkpone

    infinite loop with chanced items

    Which versions please ??
  2. Bot version 0.21d has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.21d Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.21c : Offsets updated for Garena version 1.2.1.
  3. Bot version 0.21c has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.21c Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.21b : Offsets updated for Game version 1.2.1.
  4. alkpone

    Bot stops after porting into zone.

    Check your skills and verify that there is no skill set as aura. Or try to reconfigure from default cfg.
  5. Bot version 0.21b has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.21b Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.21 : Offsets updated for Garena TW version 1.2.0c.
  6. alkpone


  7. alkpone

    When update for Forsaken Masters?

    Check last update (here), it supports Forsaken Masters..
  8. Bot version 0.21 has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.21 Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.20e : Offsets updated for Game version 1.2.0c. Offsets updated for Garena version 1.2.0c. Added support for Garena TW version (only for client in english language, see : https://gist.github.com/anonymous/c3cc48c221fcdcdb7117). Now bot click on button resurrect if it dies and life chicken is set to 0. Fixed crash that occured sometimes while trying to read entities. Improved waypoint traveling.
  9. It should already do it. Do you mean to launch the game, or only connect ? Can you send me a screenshot please ?
  10. alkpone

    0.21 bug reprot

    yeah I saw something like that too but wasn't 100% sure, thanks for reporting !!
  11. alkpone

    Tw poe eb

    If some people help to translate, sure
  12. alkpone

    Divine Shrine (immune monsters)

    Had it happen today, I never noticed it before, I'll try to find another divine shrine and make some analzysis to see if there are some easy solutions.
  13. Ok, I'll see what can be done. Thanks dude !
  14. alkpone

    my bot bugged?

    Thanks for the support kokosoida
  15. Please can you send me the timer.log file just after a crash ? it will help me to know where it comes from.
  16. Usually when I don't answer to a bug report or a feature request it's because I'm already aware of it and it has been reported multiple times. But it doesn't mean that I don't read all the topics. As I said on the shoutbox yesterday I'm not home atm and I had to update the bot with some unfinished work that I wouldn't release in the current state normally. So this topic will help me to fix the bugs faster. Btw If you have any suggestion or there is any topic that you'd like to discuss with me, feel free to send me your skype username in PM.
  17. Bot version 0.20e has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.20e Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.20d : Offsets updated for Game version 1.1.5e. Offsets updated for Garena version 1.1.5e. Now bot is not stucked anymore in an infinite loop after finishing to clear a corrupted area. User can choose if you want the bot to explore each level before taking transition in map (still experimental). User can define a % of the map to explore before leaving after killing the boss (still experimental).
  18. alkpone

    Taiwan Path of Exile

    Anybody knows when expansion will be released on TW version ??
  19. alkpone

    Garena POE BUG

    Thx for reporting.
  20. alkpone

    garena poe sometimes Aura is left turn off

    Thx for reporting.
  21. Anybody can share a beta code with me ?
  22. alkpone

    Help with map settings

    It might be bugged. Try line by line and see if it does it all the time.
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