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Everything posted by alkpone

  1. alkpone

    Question on Pickit

    All currency is taken by the bot it's counter-productive to avoid any currency. And the item name list is very old so it may explain it.
  2. alkpone

    Bot will not start. No mouse-movement.

    By experience, this happens often when people add some windows or vc dll files in the bot folder as well..
  3. alkpone

    Bot will not start. No mouse-movement.

    You need to install DX end user runtime, VC++ redistributable and eventually .Net framework.
  4. alkpone

    Payment Under Review

    Confirmed a few hours ago, sorry for the delay.
  5. Indeed thanks for the suggestion. Only boring shit is to add all of them manually
  6. Does the version I released here work properly ?
  7. I didn't change anything that could click on skill bar or minimize the client between v0.28 and 0.29.
  8. alkpone

    Steam patch?

    Uninstall from steam install from poe website.
  9. Okay seems like I got blessed by the holy reverse engineering God today anI found breakable chest data in 30 min x) Test version is here, be careful it will ignore all breakable chests without possibility to change. I'll add the gui stuff asap. If you guys confirm it works, I'll add the feature to next release.
  10. Probably, we'll see when it's out.
  11. alkpone

    29d stuck in loop and stops

    It's gem leveling related, you have to adjust the shade variation from system.ini file.
  12. alkpone

    Bot crashes

    Can I see the 20 last lines of your timer.log files ? Did you try to configurate bot from scratch ? What are area/map are you running guys ?
  13. alkpone

    Trying to take non-existant item from stash

    It seems to happen only from hideout. However I couldn't reproduce yet, my char is farming tons of maps from hideout and still doesn't happen. Maybe you can try again with a fresh install, all reconfigured from scratch, idk. Or if you have a way to 100% reproduce it I'm interested. Waiting for a fix you can run maps from town.
  14. What did you adjust to solve the issue ? Could eventually help some people out there
  15. alkpone

    Aura Cast Issue Iso Help out of Idea's

    Sorry for your issue dude, this kind of problems can be a real pain. If you are out of energy, maybe it's time to make a build that doesn't need arctic armour..
  16. Should be fixed now. Alternatively you can now use custom NPC settings.
  17. alkpone

    Bloodlines mods

    https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/4678-release-beta-version-v029d Obelisks should be handled properly in this version. I'll try to handle guardians in upcoming releases.
  18. alkpone

    Aura Cast Issue Iso Help out of Idea's

    Any improvement on new version (v0.29d) ? https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/4678-release-beta-version-v029d/?view=getnewpost
  19. alkpone

    Bloodlines Obelisks and Animated Guardian

    Check last version: https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/4678-release-beta-version-v029d/?view=getnewpost Obelisk are now ignored. Guardian aren't handled yet. Sorry for the delay..
  20. Bot version 0.29d has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.29d Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.29c : Bot now ignores herald of obelisk ghost mobs. Reverted code from v0.28i that tried to fix item on cursor bug.
  21. alkpone

    Trying to take non-existant item from stash

    and I guess the item it's trying to take is exactly at this place in another tab right ?
  22. alkpone

    are ban still massive? just wanna know..

    Can you give us more details ? This only happens to people using already flagged vpn ips.
  23. alkpone

    Bloodlines mods

    Ok here is an RC version : www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/ExiledBotAvoidHeraldTotems.zip Bot should ignore these ghost totems, tell me if it works, didn't had a lot of time to test it as I have to go now for a few hours. Some other stuff have been changed, like how player data are read, so thanks to report any issue with this version as well. I'll do more testing and release working version asap.
  24. alkpone

    Bloodlines mods

    Ah ok, we just need to make the bot ignore obelisk right ?
  25. alkpone

    Aura Cast Issue Iso Help out of Idea's

    It's really hard to figure out what's happening. It looks like wrong offsets issue.. I'll try to make some changes and post a new test version here.
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