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Everything posted by alkpone

  1. Bot version 0.57b has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.57b Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Improvements since 0.57 : Offsets fixed for Garena TW 2.1.2b. Fixed aura not being casted in "The Crypt".
  2. alkpone

    Bot Not Re-Rolling already Magic map mods

    Can anybody test and confirm if it's true or not by sending me a pm. I just checked the code and ignored mods should be rerolled if specified in ipd file.
  3. alkpone

    Wrong syntax in the new map.ipd

    There was a type error in default.ipd map file : // [map_monsters_%_physical_damage_to_add_as_lightning ] >= "1" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RerollMods] == "true" // Shocking -- Monsters Deal +% Extra Lightning Dmg instead of // [map_monsters_%_physical_damage_to_add_as_lightning] >= "1" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RerollMods] == "true" // Shocking -- Monsters Deal +% Extra Lightning Dmg Thanks for report.
  4. Bot version 0.57 has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.57 Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Improvements since 0.56m : Offsets fixed for Garena TH 2.1.2b. Offsets fixed for Garena CIS 2.1.2b. Bot now leaves any master's area it enters by mistake. Map is now reseted when bot chicken on sight. Added an option to setup if bot should stash or not shards / fragments. Fixed bot unable to use tempest shield and blood rage as always recast buff together.
  5. alkpone

    Chicken on sight Limit?

    Yeah I already had some report of chicken on sight not working with some bot. List can contain as much bosses as you want. If you meet any boss that bot doesn't chicken, please report them to me by pm.
  6. alkpone

    0.56m crash and error

    Did you check on official forums ?? This issue is probably unrelated to the bot.
  7. This is the position of the transition between a4 town and dried lake map on static 2d map. I'm running again and again and again dried lake to make it happen and see what's wrong, but still didn't see the bug of bot being stucked with this message happening.. FYI it's hardcoded, and you can't disable it. Bot needs it as the transition to dried lake is not loaded in memory if you aren't close enough, which means that bot can't find it. Therefore if you want to farm dried lake, it's in a4 town and transition isn't loaded in memory, bot goes toward thellis recorded position. Same trick is used in a1 town as well.
  8. alkpone

    Bot Not Re-Rolling already Magic map mods

    Just tested, worked good for me, are you sure that you tested properly ? Whenever modifying any option in GUI or pickit / map ipd files, you need to press Save and then F11 to make the bot reload cfg files.
  9. alkpone

    the exiledbot is not popping up for me.

    Check dx end user and vc++ redist 2010.
  10. Indeed ^^ Added the following line to default.ipd file (commented) : [Category] == "Talisman" && [ItemLevel] >= "60" # [StashItem] == "true" // Keep all talisman with item level higher or equal 60
  11. alkpone

    Bot stuck in a loop while running sacrifice maps

    Yeah seems like sacrifice farming is broken atm. Please wait for me to fix it before using it again. Sorry about the issue.
  12. Normally bot should recast aura only if it dies or get disconnected to login.. Did anybody else notice this issue of bot recasting auras when it shouldn't on newest versions ??
  13. alkpone

    v0.56m stuck at casting buff

    Most of the time, this issue is due to one of your key being set as aura skill or golem skill, while bot can't actually cast it (ie vaal aura, or simply you don't have mana, or wrong key).
  14. alkpone

    bot crashs when joining corrupted area

    Really weird issue, here your game is crashing, not the bot. I can't figure out how this can be due to the bot entering a corrupted area by mistake. If anybody else is having similar issue and could guess what's wrong here, please enlight me..
  15. alkpone

    Not moving after entering new instance V0.54m

    Most of the time, this issue is due to one of your key being set as aura skill or golem skill, while bot can't actually cast it (ie vaal aura, or simply you don't have mana, or wrong key).
  16. alkpone

    Scour map syntax?

    I could do this UpgradeToNormal feature pretty easily. But would it really make sense ? These scour would be poorly wasted imo..
  17. alkpone

    Pb avec le mobs qui sortent de terre

    Oui c'est un problème présent depuis le début. En effet le bot n'est pas capable de détecter si un mob est "caché", malgré plusieurs recherches de ma part qui se sont révélées hélas infructueuses. Du coup il n'y a pas vraiment de solution à ma connaissance, à part peut-être appliquer un léger cooldown sur tes tirs, ce qui fera avancer ton perso en direction du monstre entre chaque coup. Cette solution n'est pas terrible et j'aimerai vraiment régler ce problème, c'est pourquoi j'ai demandé à plusieurs contacts qui s'y connaissent mieux que moi en reverse engineering d'essayer de trouver une solution. En attendant tu peux refaire un perso avec un build "facetanking", c'est à dire qui fonce sur les monstres, encaisse leurs coups et leur fait la masse de dégats. Par exemple en ce moment il y a de très bon build pour le skill Blade Vortex sur les forum de poe, notamment pour le scion et le shadow. Le bot est vraiment top avec cette configuration de skills.
  18. alkpone

    Reset map on chicken-on-sight

    Or try this RC version http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/ExiledBot.zip
  19. alkpone

    v0.56l Bot won't move after summoning Golem

    Yes, I forgot to add a log when bot summons a golem, will be added on next release. I'm 99% sure that your issue is due to bot trying to cast an aura on a key that doesn't cast any aura or isn't able to cast the aura (maybe it's lacking mana or trying to cast a vaal aura..). Try to replace your skills.ini file from default bot installation and to redo the combat settings.
  20. alkpone

    Endless stuck attacking ghosts.

    You tested on version 0.56l+ ?
  21. Indeed this is a problem that I faced and tried to solve unsuccesfully for now. When do bot have to check if shift is pressed exactly, only before putting items in trade window ?
  22. Well I couldn't so far, which explains the still no fix. Been trying to run non stop dried lake for hours...
  23. Bot version 0.56m has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.56m Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Improvements since 0.56l : Offsets fixed for Garena TH 2.1.2. Offsets fixed for Garena CIS 2.1.2.
  24. alkpone

    v0.56l Not Identifying Maps before Running Them

    Now if you have pickit enable it identifies them all by default before stashing them..
  25. alkpone

    Does nothing after resetting instance

    Does it do it all the time ? Is it easy to reproduce ?
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