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Beta Tester
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About Norbi1one4all

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  1. Norbi1one4all

    Bot stuck in act 4 town for last 2.5 hours...

    same for me, after some runs just stops there unchecking corrupted area farming solves this?
  2. Norbi1one4all

    v0.56j bot cant find map from stash

    looks like exiting the bot and restarting it ( not just stopping it) solves the problem but not always, sometimes i have to restart it 2-3 times
  3. Norbi1one4all

    v0.56j bot cant find map from stash

    also upgraded to 0.56m i've managed to do some map runs but after 1-2-3 runs the bot still does what i wrote in the original post
  4. Norbi1one4all

    v0.56j bot cant find map from stash

    after finishing current map the bot first checks every tab then tries to pick up a new map from stash tab 2 or 3 but fails ( my maps 1st was in stashtab 1 but then i moved to those to tabs 2-3 ) just selects a random tab then tries to pick up anything from the bottom left or upper left but there are no items there ( at least not now, bc 1st time it picked up a 230+dps claw and sold it ) so instead of searching for a map it just gets stuck there trying to pick up something from an empty square and just repeats itself
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