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Pickit with All Uniques and Discerns Between Multiple Base Item Types
a topic posted XeroKill in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
I have spent a little time cleaning up the pickit as I did with the Map.ipd. The following is my progress. It includes ways to disable specific uniques that have the same base type, for example, this pickit should discard Thousand Ribbons while keeping Tabula Rasa, even they are both Simple Robes as a base. Another example is it will stash Shavronne's Wrappings and sell Infernal Mantle, as they are both Occultist's Vestments but one is GG and the other is garbage (remember to comment out the items you want the bot to sell). I have not fully tested all the uniques so use this at your own risk. All the examples I have tested have worked just fine, but I don't have access to every unique for confirmation. The formatting is to make it easy to see which items are enabled at a glance. Just go through the list and uncomment the items you wish to stash and the bot will sell the rest. I know that some of the uniques are no longer dropped, or Atziri only, but I couldn't be bothered to look into every item's special conditions, so I just listed everything from the wiki... if you know it will never be seen by the bot, feel free to remove it, and post here with what it was and why the bot will never see it, I haven't messed with the rares except to change the quivers to [Category] == "Quiver" because the default pickit uses the old style of quivers which no longer exist. I don't know if this change actually helps pick up good quivers because I don't know what a good quiver really looks like and I haven't seen the pickit keep one yet. I also changed the gem area to make the separation more clear and removed the comment // gem after every gem, because it was sloppy and redundant. Please let me know if anything is missing or not functioning correctly. I would like to streamline this anyway I can. EDIT: 12/17/2014 - Added New Uniques for 1.3 Content Patch -
That happens because the bot continuously hits the alt key for each check of an item which shuffles the loot labels around. You can turn on labels to help eliminate the issue but it creates a few new ones which are kinda minor in comparison. If labels are permanently on sometimes the loot will be in just the right spot that the bot simply never passes over it, which also occurs in extremely large loot piles. A quick toggle of the labels (Z by default) will usually fix the problem.
It has always been that way. The only time the bot will go back to an existing instance for more loot is when it is in a map. If it is a normal instance of any type it will run it until it fills the inventory (no 8-slot patterns remaining) and then it leaves to sell. Then, it recreates a new instance, potentially leaving behind valuable loot in the process. It is especially problematic because the bot does not give priority to picking up loot based on quality, so it will pick up the rare tribal club before picking up the unique gavel (Mjolnir) and if it fills the inventory with the club it will portal out and never go back for the gavel... which means you have to leave all rares out of normal instances unless you want to risk losing exceptional loot, which will happen often.
The only thing I can think of is to put RF on the highest priority and then setting a ridiculous cooldown so it doesn't try to recast it again. I don't know if the cooldown will interfere with recasting it each time you change instances, but you might give it a try.
Be specific... Can you sustain RF? If so, then just check the "is aura" and the "needs to be recast" option so that it casts RF at the start of each run. You are being too vague about what the actual malfunction is and what you want it to do. Which auras, exactly, are you wanting to cast and under what conditions? EDIT: I think I get it now. What's happening is when you portal back into a map and there are enemies nearby, the bot uses your attack instead of recasting RF before attacking. Is that correct?
Map IPD with all Affixes
XeroKill replied to topic's XeroKill in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
I don't think there is a solution for that. It happens to me as well, and I just trash those or manually start them if it's a high level map. You could dump your inventory and check the log to see if mirrored has a mod and then create an ignore rule for it. I would but I don't have a mirrored map at the moment to test with. -
Same as Ash here. I don't change anything and just use the "is aura" check box. I run 5 auras and AA without any issues... Except it likes to cast AA oike three times before each run... dunno why.
The shit thing about it is the bot doesn't prioritize the loot. I watched the bot leave behind a CoD the other day (I had to intervene) because it picked up some shit rares first. I want it to pick up and sell rares for the alts and for the occasional GG item, but outside of maps it is too dangerous because it is very possible the damn thing would leave a Mjolnir on the ground in favor of a rare simple robe. This really needs to be addressed as it makes little sense for the bot not to go back for all the loot. In fact, there are a lot of little QoL changes like this that are long overdue. A few examples would be: Stashing shards Keeping scrolls orderly and topped off from stash (better stash/inventory management in general) Better flask support Better map logic (wastes way too much time doing stupid things) Bot idling to avoid flagging for constant uptime Auto POE I know there are a lot of minor concerns there and that isnt all of them, but there are so many ways that the bot could be optimized that are long overdue. If it was free, I wouldn't complain but since they want us to pay a subscription, I feel we are within our rights to expect a higher standard.
I have the same issue. The only thing that even remotely works is to put LW on mouse_left and it will warp to each enemy it wants to attack. It doesn't work very well though because then it has trouble with doors where it gets stuck several meters away from the door but it's trying to warp to it but can't. I was hoping that using LW for movement would eliminate getting stuck between multiple level areas like Vaal Pyramid where it tries to open chests or attack enemies from an inclined area to a lower area but can't path to it. Leapslam doesn't suffer from targeted area restrictions like LW does, so that may be part of the problem. Too bad my build can't use LS.
Map IPD with all Affixes
XeroKill replied to topic's XeroKill in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
Hopefully this can get some interest in the idea generated. And don't worry about your English, you are doing the best you can and the more we speak the more we understand. The world can always use more understanding, in any form. Peace to you. -
Map IPD with all Affixes
XeroKill replied to topic's XeroKill in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
@Kclonline Perhaps you can try this: [1046] < "0" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RunMap] == "true" // Run Map if "of Hordes" = True Try adding the above to the very top of the IPD. I don't know if the bot gives priority to entries in the order they are given, but if you put that at the very top and then comment out every other possible affix (prefixes and suffixes) and see if it will run any map as soon as it sees the [1046] tag and rerolls anything else it sees that doesn't have [1046]. If it does give priority to the first line then perhaps, even if it rolls a prefix it would otherwise reroll, this line will come first and force the map to run. Please let me know if this works, if so I will have some work to add to the file. EDIT: I just tested this and it didn't work. It re-rolled until it got Hexproof of Hordes, but instead of running the map it just re-rolled again because it had the Hexproof prefix... so that doesn't work. I will ask Alkpone what it might take to add in a [RunThisMod] function that runs maps when certain mods are found. I want this as well because I will like it to roll for Hordes or Champions for better EXP and getting higher tier maps. EDIT2: I also just realized that in the above string I used the wrong sign (less than instead of greater than) so I tested it again with the correct sign and still no luck. It just doesn't work to force a run if it gets any mods other than [1046]. It will only run it when it gets the singular suffix. Also, I am leaving the above comments in case others have the same questions they can see the steps we have already tried and their results. -
Map IPD with all Affixes
XeroKill replied to topic's XeroKill in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
I am not sure I understand what your question is. All of these entries currently function as exclusions, so if you uncomment that entry it will reroll the mods if it appears on the map. If you are trying to get it to stop on hordes then you would uncomment every other suffix and then it will still run any single prefix roll because if you uncomment the prefixes it will just continuously reroll without end or it will roll past hordes if it rolls any uncommented prefix and hordes. If you uncomment everything but hordes (prefixes and suffixes) it will only ever run maps that roll hordes only and no prefix... just a limitation of the bot. The best you can hope for is to eliminate any other suffix as a possibility and then it still runs the first single prefix roll it gets. Nothing I can do about that until the code of the bot is changed. As it works now, you can only exclude mods, or limit their range. If you wanted it to roll for a certain amount of pack size, say 30% you would have to change it to: NOTE: It changes to a less than sign if you want to reroll any map that has less than 30% pack size. You had it set to less than zero based on what you pasted above which is a value that cannot be achieved and as such will never reroll when it sees hordes which is the same as leaving it commented. [1046] < "30" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RerollMods] == "true" // -- of Hordes -- +X% Monster pack size -
i think i put this here
omega replied to topic's XeroKill in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
Check out what I have so far. https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/3869-map-ipd-with-all-affixes/ -
All of this is outdated, and no longer applies. Please remove this sticky.
i think i put this here
omega replied to topic's XeroKill in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
Thanks for this. I had put just the ones I wanted to ignore in there, but I like having a complete list so I can change things around with ease. I am also working on a full list of every affix so that I can sculpt my mapping experience to the fullest... but it is a bit daunting. Some of them require different ranges to force a reroll and narrowing it all down has been a pain. -
Fully roll map (both prefix / suffix)
TadaceAce replied to topic's XeroKill in Exiled Bot Feature Request
I already do that but it takes a while and I can't limit the prefixes because it will roll beyond the suffixes too. I would much rather be able to indicate a false condition and take it as soon as it appears. However, I would be happy with what you suggest and just eliminate the nasty mods... -
Fully roll map (both prefix / suffix)
TadaceAce replied to topic's XeroKill in Exiled Bot Feature Request
Agreed 100%! I would really like to be able to specify the mods I want instead of the ones that I don't, so I can roll magic monsters or pack size. -
I have run about 20 maps without any issues. The only thing I had to do was spread out everything so there wasn't any cross clicking. This version appears to be very stable so far. Thanks for the update!
Thanks for the heads up, and for this wonderful bot. I know it has some issues but you are doing great work and I am always eager for new updates and features. Keep it up!
I am going through my PickIt files and I wanted to expand on what the default picks up. I want it to pick up a number of different caster oriented rings and amulets and I want to know if the parenthesis work as an "either/or" function. Here is what I am doing: [Category] == "Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [mana_regeneration_rate_+%] >= "35" && [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [base_maximum_mana] >= "50" && [StashItem] == "true" [Category] == "Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [mana_regeneration_rate_+%] >= "35" && [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [base_cast_speed_+%] >= "5" && [StashItem] == "true" [Category] == "Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [mana_regeneration_rate_+%] >= "35" && [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [fire_damage_+%] >= "5" && [StashItem] == "true" What I want to know is if the following is the same thing and more efficient in terms of coding. [mana_regeneration_rate_+%] >= "35" && [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [TotalResistances] >= "60" && ([base_maximum_mana] >= "50" || [base_cast_speed_+%] >= "5" || [fire_damage_+%] >= "5") && [StashItem] == "true" Basically I want the bot to pick up rings/amulets with base life, mana regen, resists, and any combination of mana, cast speed, fire damage. Do I need separate entries for each type or can I condense it into a broader context like the latter example. Any help would be greatly appreciated.