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Everything posted by SupZerg

  1. SupZerg

    Help need to run maps!

    Hi, please provide lastrun log and your pickit and map tabs screenshots.
  2. Ye, info might be outdated. Dx11 is everywhere now ?
  3. Btw the game and the bot do not support dx9 anymore.
  4. SupZerg


    What? Don't talk nonsense. This is a warning.
  5. SupZerg

    Need help with bot!

    What does your log say?
  6. SupZerg

    AHK syntax accordance

    Why would you think bot uses ahk to press buttons??
  7. SupZerg

    my bot not open

    Make sure you launch bot as admin, use x64 poe client and have all necessary vc packages.
  8. SupZerg

    Noob question / refund possible?

    Bot fully works. List of features is provided on the main page: https://www.exiled-bot.net/ There is also a "How to use" section. So you don't have any right to demand a refund.
  9. SupZerg

    Bot does not pick up maps

    Use default pickit, it should work. Most likely you have an error somewhere. And don't use so many tabs.
  10. SupZerg


    Not possible.
  11. Not possible with exiled bot.
  12. SupZerg


  13. SupZerg

    runing 2 bots at same time

    You need 2 licenses.
  14. SupZerg

    shift bug

    Just don't use always press shift option.
  15. SupZerg

    Skills Pg 2 broken

    Nothing to fix. Just bind skills to other buttons.
  16. SupZerg

    Concerns before purchasing

    Sure noone wants to answer the same questions every year every week when people don't bother to read guides.
  17. SupZerg

    Concerns before purchasing

    This is not true. 1. There's plenty of information about bot configuration on forum. Learm how to use search. 2. Bot is great at running maps and is capable of bringing nice profit. ~2 minutes per map, 8-10 ex worth of currency per 24 hours (at 180c ex rate).
  18. SupZerg

    Настройки + логи

    Progression использовать не нужно, это не реализованный функционал. Прохождение актов в целом не реализовано, можно пробовать в полуавтоматическом режиме. Квесты бот делать не будет, только пробегать локу и активировать wp. Лут фильтр естественно влияет на лутание, он должен соответствовать настройкам файла pickit.
  19. SupZerg

    Alkpone are you alive?

    Bot is great at what it is designed to do - farming maps. Alk is alive, don't worry. Discord channel was banned multiple times by discord administration.
  20. SupZerg

    Aura bot??

    This a maps farming bot, it's not intended for different kinds of perversions.
  21. SupZerg

    can chicken on animate wapon

    For now I suggest not to use rampage mechanics.
  22. SupZerg

    Aura bot??

    No way.
  23. SupZerg

    an unexpected disconnection occurred

    Perhaps you have chicken setup via tcp disconnect? Otherwise use winmtr to check your internet connectivity to game servers.
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