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improved stuck detection - dying~!

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So, I'm a cyclone slayer with a lot of phys damage and leech etc.

So the bot uses the cyclone gem mechanic by alternating back and forth/ left and right while using cyclone. That works well in most cases.

Reasonable often, the bot gets stuck doing that in tight areas found in dungeons and other maze like maps. The bot then sits guzzling flasks and taking damage until it either frees itself or dies.

Its happening every 5-10 minutes on some maps.

I'm surprised more people aren't commenting on this...

Any a essential improvement to the bot would be better 'stuck detection'. The stuck detection is already there but it is slow and inefficient. 



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you need to use skills which are not interrupted by obstacles like tornado shot, lightning ball, volatile dead

skills like spark and cyclone are not good for botting

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