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Constantly added uniques makes Pickit customization VERY cumbersome...

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I love that GGG keeps adding uniques, but it gets the \\UNIQUE\\ section of the pickit VERY messy.  You run the risk of a) missing really good items, or b) picking up a bunch of trash!  


I'd like, if possible, for the incorporation of a [Name] syntax.  This might have to come after the item has been "#" identified. 

[Type] == "Occultist's Vestment" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [Name] == "Shavronne's Wrappings" && [StashItem] = "true" // Shavronne's Wrappings 

Saves Shavronne's Wrappings and sells any other Unique Occultists Vestment (e.g. Infernal Mantle).


I think this would be HUGE, mainly because with GGG adding so many new uniques every league, it's very difficult for us to separate from same-type items!!  To do this, you need to find a parameter to separate the particular item.  And you never really feel comfortable that you have the right parameter to separate, plus it's a LOT of time and work.  Examples!!!!  

Here are examples of parameters you would need to look up and learn/know if you wanted to save a particular unique:

[cannot_be_stunned] >= "1"
[all_attributes_+%] > "10" 
[movement_velocity_+%_while_ignited] >= "10"
[local_unique_jewel_nearby_disconnected_passives_can_be_allocated] >= "1"
[damage_over_time_+%] >= "10"
[base_maximum_mana] >= "1"
[cold_damage_+%] >= "1"


It's very cumbersome in its current state.  With each unique you want to save that has more than 1 Type (or even if GGG might add another unique type in the future), you need to (a) look up all same-type uniques, and identify how your saved-unique is different from an affix/parameter perspective, then (b) search and find that parameter, and (c) code it into your pickit, and then (d) monitor all of your saved uniques and cross reference them with each introduction of a new unique to ensure you're still saving the proper uniques.  To take it a step further, (e), when GGG rebalances uniques, in the current state of how pickit works, you would need to go back and check to make sure any of your saved-uniques were not changed by the balance, and if they were changed, go back to step (a)...  

This needs to happen for every unique item you want to save.  Conversely, [ForceSellItem] worked at one point and was great, but now there are just too many uniques, [ForceSellItem] is almost more work than [StashItem] at this point - because again, you need to follow the above (a) - (e) steps for every single unique item you want saved...


Including a [Name] feature would fix this problem in a second.  Can I get a yes/no on if this is possible from the meta data of the identified item?  Thank you.

Edited by Spaceguy911

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On 12/13/2017 at 7:02 PM, alkpone said:

need to do some reverse engineering about item real name.

Does this mean that it's something in your queue to work on, or are you indicating that GGG would need to incorporate more/specific detail on their side about the "real name" before you could even consider adding this feature?

Just trying to understand expectations.  Thank you.

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