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Hello .. After hours and months of Playing Poe .. And Buying currency along the way // im going to give botting a try  

could be fun from what ive been reading and i have 6 desktops sitting aroung collecting dust 

Along with Introducing myself .. How do we Protect ourselves While botting .. do u offer any Vm or VpN ? 

Due to me buying CHEAP CHAOS ---i was banned on my main account 

and its EXTREMELY PAINFUL  beyond ANY words i can give you 

Ive never botted before 

and im starting out FRESH ..( empty ) 

what level is good before you can Bot ?

What build Or gear is needed 

any Videos and Advice could be really help full 

i do have TS and Discord 

And im 1 Kewl Guy 



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1 Account - 1 IP. Dont use your main IP for Botting.(your main IP, only for your main ACC)

Use 3-4 Accounts with diferent IP's, try to boting 4-6 Hour's at Day in one acount.(different builds, charecters, passwords in acount's is prefered)

Try to avoid trade with main acount. (colect fuse and try to 6-link something, craft some Opla Rings and etc.) I think giving to main acc item more safe than currency.

Speak in global chat sometimes with bot accounts, add friends, try to make all what GGG thinking your charecter real human, not bot.

After one-two mouth create new acc, and stop boting with old acc.

And remember sooner or later you will be banned, it's inevitably.

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Yes .. Since i own a small computer store .. Im gonna Bot while at work .. I will invest the money to Secure my connection Before i move to step 2 

My idea is 1 Computer to get the hang of things ..

What would be the 1st step to take in securing the connection @ work .. 

i will Play my main Only at home because of the Connection speed is 3 times better 

I do have so many extra computers just laying around ..

Why not put it to use 

and YES i was already going to do that With the Bot By buying the GEAR .. and PAssing it to me Safely ..

Longer way around .. 

I do have 3 accounts .. So im trying to Bypass the CHAIN BAN .. 

farm on 1 

Tranfer to Dummy account 2 

then Finally to my main 



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2 минуты назад, ttopsecrett сказал:

What would be the 1st step to take in securing the connection @ work ..

Proxy or VPN, but if you start to use german proxy for one acc, you will must use this IP and county for this acc forever, and dont change this.


4 минуты назад, ttopsecrett сказал:

farm on 1 

Tranfer to Dummy account 2 

then Finally to my main 

i think its useless, its just other chain what ggg can see in trade logs.

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i heard of people Mining Bitcoins ..Didnt know we can do it here 

Im sure i have to understand the fundamentals 

and yes .. if i wanted to hook up 5 right now .. i can . .. will need to upgrade the video card of some but all are atlest 6 to 8 core ..


im lost on How to install this and get it going today if possible 


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I have been botting on my main account since i got the bot. Never had any trouble.

Sometime when i get home from work or wake up, i just go AFK in POE(everybody go afk in a game at some point)

i think it is more dangerous to transfer orbs to your main from a dummy account. but that is personal.

if you bot on your main, try to keep your friend list small, with only people you REALLY trust, since only way i see of getting banned, is getting reported.

And by the way, i live in a house with my brother and he also play path of exile. We both have same IP. never had any trouble with that.

but i dont BOT 24/24 nor am i connected 24/24

Stay safe, and yes, you are way better botting then spending real $$ for orbs :)

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