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Add Range to pickit

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my suggestion today is a [Range] value for the pickit list.
Just like the function behind the range for scroll pickup.

[Type] == "Orb of Transmutation" && [Range] <= "10" # [StashItem] == "true" //picks up transmutes shorter than 10 away
[Type] == "Orb of Fusing" && [Range] <= "30" # [StashItem] == "true" // picks up fusings than 30 away
[Type] == "Exalted Orb" # [StashItem] == "true" // picks up all exalts regardless of distance

Then we could configure the bot to pickup low and mid value currency when it drops close enough instead of just saying yes or no to certain orbs.

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Bot should run back for currency when it registers it. If it's not going back (it might take some time since it will be clearing, but it goes back in the end) then it probably did not register the drop, and a function like this wouldn't help.

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On 9/1/2017 at 9:16 AM, shalira12 said:

Bot should run back for currency when it registers it. If it's not going back (it might take some time since it will be clearing, but it goes back in the end) then it probably did not register the drop, and a function like this wouldn't help.

This has nothing to do with the suggestion OP made.

OP is saying he wants to intentionally ignore low value currency unless the bot paths near that currency naturally.

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