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Account Highjacked [ON-GOING] will update as I recieve more info

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Hello Exiled Bot Community! I was recently testing out and trying to use Exiled Bot. LOOKS LIKE I WAS HACKED hopefully this will be resolved soon





Edited by poeaddictRound2
Edit: Reciept provided and timeframe added

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With all of the bug reports why do you think yours are so important to censor? 
Were your reports riddled with assumptions like this? Ad-hominems?  
You do know the forums were hacked a couple days ago right? 


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I really don't know I was pretty surprised at the bugs but I wasn't cursing or anything crazy


I didn't know that the forums got hacked but why do you think that they would not respond to my tickets to get my licenses and account back?

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5 minutes ago, Charawn said:

Well you make no mention of time frame in any of these claims.

Timeframe: I was "highjacked" 3 days ago and I just looked at the time stamp of when I was posting the bugs and it was: Thursday, August 10, 2017 10:42 AM

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Just now, poeaddictRound2 said:

Timeframe: I was "highjacked" 3 days ago 

So the day the forums were hacked. 
I highly recommend deleting your spam and try contacting user support via discord.  
In my experience users jump to irrational behavior way to early and it usually screws them in the end. Which is what it looks like here. 

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Ill jump on discord and see what I find out. Like I said in another post I don't see why they would not respond to the 2 tickets I have provided in the last 3 days but we shall see. I will update and sing their praises if they respond

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Since u are the only one with the problem cause u messing up hardly. I dont understand ur problem learning the good way instead of flaming. I am really glad to hear that u dont get a refund cause thats how it goes. u did not pay for the service everything is done for u ^^.

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I wouldn't just update I'd wipe the spam. 
You went from customer with an issue  to raging  spammer.
They probably have a lot of tickets after the hack. Account issues would require higher access than most support can help with.  Three days isn't much when you have to recover a database. 

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Hi poeaddict,

Charawn is being kind of a dick about it, but it's worth knowing that on the day you are referencing a mod account was hacked. They deleted a lot of content on the forums, and did a lot of trolling in general. That has been resolved, but apparently the timing was bad for you. I'm sorry you had such a terrible experience. I highly recommend you hop on the discord and chat with us. The community is quite helpful and if you come in there with a positive attitude, you'll be up and botting in no time.

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5 minutes ago, antrox said:

Since u are the only one with the problem cause u messing up hardly. I dont understand ur problem learning the good way instead of flaming. I am really glad to hear that u dont get a refund cause thats how it goes. u did not pay for the service everything is done for u ^^.

Lol? I did pay for the service what are you talking about? Did you not read anything above?

Also I was posting BUGS I was not saying "OMG bot doesn't work! Do it for me!" so you are just flaming because you are trolling apparently

Edited by poeaddictRound2

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2 minutes ago, Charawn said:

I wouldn't just update I'd wipe the spam. 
You went from customer with an issue  to raging  spammer.
They probably have a lot of tickets after the hack. Account issues would require higher access than most support can help with.  Three days isn't much when you have to recover a database. 

If the assholes (Charawn and antrox) would look up I did change the heading so you guys can flame elsewhere.

As for Omegabare I appreciate the info and will just on discord to see what they say


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Asshole? for addressing your issue and discovering the real problem?  
Nothing I did was flaming. I never used ad hominem like you just did.  I asked legitimate questions and provided you with the best way to resolve the issue. 

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In the meantime you could invest ur energy getting the bot running and make easy currency. But u ve chosen differently ^^.

Cause all others are running zones or maps flawlessly. Cause they learned how to setup properly.


DO YOU understand this fact? That there are people who got no problems at all. And this includes most of the time people who messed around for a little while and then lifetime profit? ^^

Edited by antrox

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