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Smart Stashing

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Please allow us to edit pickit to designate the stash tab of any given item, or class of items being picked up.


[Category] == "Currency" # [stashTab] == "1"

[Category] == "Map" # [stashTab] == "2"

[Category] == "Jewel" # [stashTab] == "3"

[Category] == "Essence" # [stashTab] == "4"

[Category] == "Card" # [stashTab] == "5"

This should work with all current filters too, so we could set any individual rare, unique, card, jewel, etc. to be stored in a specific stash tab.

Example: (I'm sure the syntax is wrong, I don't have the IPD file in front of me at the moment to use as an example).

[Category] == "Exalted Shard" # [stashTab] == "2"

The user perks are obvious, this helps immensely with organizing and selling items. It also helps to make the bot appear more human like.

This will also save development time in the future. As the game evolves we're getting more and more items that hamper the way we bot (see all the currency added in this league). If we change the platform now so that players have absolute control over the stash tab destination of any given item, then we eliminate the need to develop around these items in the future.

I'll add use case scenarios as they come up.


Stash tab 3 is designated for jewels.
Stash tab 3 is full.
Bot picks up a jewel.
Bot cannot insert jewel into stash tab 3.
Bot inserts jewel into first available tab (similar to how maps are handled currently).
Sometimes an item might meet the requirements for multiple sorting rules. I'll give an example and talk about possible solutions.

[Category] == "Currency" # [stashTab] == "1"
[Category] == "Exalted Shard" # [stashTab] == "2"

There are two obvious solutions here.
A. Exalted shard is a currency, therefore it goes in stash tab 1.
B. Exalted shard specific instructions override the more generic "Currency" designator, therefore it goes in stash tab 2.

Option B is preferred, but either solution is fine, as long as it's consistent.


Edited by Omegabare
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Exlated shards would be seen as currency though, but i get your point! Not a bad idea at all.. this owuld probably help with premium tabs too as bot doesnt take cards or essences out and only puts them in! Really nice idea! :)

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Any further thoughts on this from the community?

Stashing things in an organized manner saves users significant time in the long run, and it also makes the bots actions look a lot more human. I know not everybody bots on an account with MTX, but there are enough people that do. It would be great to be able to put essence in the essence tab, and cards in the card tab.

Please consider adding this functionality.

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