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Hello from France

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I do not know if I'll use the bot yet but for now I'm only curious.

I used to bot on D3 and I've been banned so I hesitate yet.



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I bot on 1 account since 2014. not continuessly but alot.

and i dont really focuss on not being detected.


i run about 8 hours a day when im at work and this has worked great for me 100% undetected.

i think the trick is looking like a player aswell i trade alot beside botting and run maps by hand.

the chance of getting banned while being a player not a VM bot are very slim.

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And main rules is: "Don't risk what you can't afford to lose".

So keep all your godlike stuff on separate account and never log on it with same ip / mac address that you are using for your botting vm.


Bienvenue :)

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salut, je suis du canada francais:). la meilleur chose a faire cest de ne pas botter 24/7 a mon avis. comme l'autre a dit, rien de tel que de partir le bot quand tu va au travail ou quand tu dors:) le reste du temps sois tu es offline ou bien tu te met AFK. parce tlm est AFK a tout les jeux a un moment ou un autre LOL.


et ce n'est aucunement comparable a D3. 


sur path of exile cest du ''manual inspection'' contrairement a d3 ou c'est des programs anti-cheat

donc ne garde aucune personne en qui tu na pas confiance dans ta friend list parce que la facon de se faire ban tant qua moi, c'est de se faire ''report'' in game

Edited by mcmbowinc

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