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Stuck on Login screen after a few hours

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hello guys

I have a problem witht the bot. When the bot has been running for some hours 1-3h he gets SOMETIMES stack on the login screen and wont move until I log it in manuelly. Then he continues, picks the correct character and so on. Thats of corse kinda annoying when one tries to sleep :D

Is this known?

Is there any other workarround?


edit: Im using the newest version bot v0.11c

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I have the same problem, and while im botting, when the bot encounters a shrine it thinks its an enemy and sits there and attacks the shrine, untill i come over and take the shrine, than my character tries to shoot/curse himself untill the buff wares off. but i do also wake up and the bot is at the login screen. Any fix yet for this?

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A guy in the chat already helped me. I used rc2 version but rc4, thisone seems to work :)

love u. cause ur the proove that my raging with "post ur bot version" isnt useless xD

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