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Using stashed portal/ID scrolls

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This may not be necessary, and maybe its only for the 1% of people who actually do this. But, i tend to buy 1000's of scrolls of wisdom and portal scrolls because of the time it takes to pick them all up as you go, isn't worth it. Was wondering if it's possible for the bot to use scolls already stashed so it doesn't have to waste time picking them up as the bot runs.


Nothing necessary, but efficiency is key in this game, and this would help the bot run more maps efficiently. 

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If i do that, will it use wisdom scrolls from my stash? I haven't tested it out, i guess i should have done that before making a post haha. Ill test it out soon and report back

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Yeah, bot is supposed to pick scrolls from stash already.

Send me a pm if the feature isn't working and you have a way to reproduce.

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