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Atlas Progression

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Currently the only way to go on atlas progression it to edit each commented line manually. It would be nice if the bot could recognize that there are open spots on the atlas. I ran the bot for several days on a new account and it only did about  5 different maps the whole time. This is with pretty much all maps enabled.

Regards and constructive criticism appreciated

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Currently the only way to go on atlas progression it to edit each commented line manually. It would be nice if the bot could recognize that there are open spots on the atlas. I ran the bot for several days on a new account and it only did about  5 different maps the whole time. This is with pretty much all maps enabled.

Regards and constructive criticism appreciated


I asked the same question on the other comment you posted - Did you have bot upgrade maps to magic?

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Bot needs to kill boss with magic map mods, so maybe it is just rng or it's not killing the boss.


This is for Tier 1-5

Edited by jps42

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Yeah I have tier 1-5 enabled with blue maps. I watch it kill bosses too. I started the atlas with 0% completion and it gets stuck at like 5-10 completed. I think it is because it is always doing the highest tier map available. Which is always a tier 2-3 in that quadrant. Which is why it never gets to doing any of the uncompleted sections of lower maps. It just constantly farms the same tier2-5 maps of one quadrant

Edited by PooterPunch

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How does the bot determine, which map to go for next anyway?

Lets say, he hast 3 different T5 maps, which happen to be the highest, all allowed, all magic...


is it by alphabet, by location in map stash tab or something else?

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Bot improvements should increase its profitability or imrove its automation (like progression). This suggestion should be the lowest priority.

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Bot improvements should increase its profitability or imrove its automation (like progression). This suggestion should be the lowest priority.

It actually depends on how it's handled. Quest specifics are actually a waste of time as quests soon will change in 3.0 with different layouts and probably whole question changes. If it's ai tweaks that make it smarter then yes it would be improvement ts

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