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Pickit Feature Idea

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I monitored the bot over the course of Breach League, and with that league especially loot was an issue... even with a good lootfilter.


I think it would be a great idea to write into the script for the bot to press "Z" twice before looting in order to "refresh" the items actually on the screen.


When the entire screen is full of loot, much of the loot would actually be off-screen and the bot would almost always fill up with miss-clicked items then waste a portal to the hideout to sell it. Loot situations immediately following a Breach are prime suspect.


I'm thinking efficiency anyway. Let me know if anyone else observed this issue. Ciao~



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interesting... mine never has. and more often than not, it will fill up on white items and other trash only to portal to town and sell it for identify scraps.

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