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Suggestion about auras use

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Good day everyone!

I have a suggestion about auras use. I using a three auras build, two of them a need to survive, but i notice that the bot turn on auras only after some movement on map, but it can be deadly, for example in the docks, in this location the mobs can spawn very close from waypoint, and some times bot starting fight without auras.

my suggestion, if it possible to make ability to turn on auras immediatly after bot resp in location.

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this is probably due to the lack of a proper working gem lvling feature. this feature gets reworked sooner or later. just have a try and switch gem lvling off.

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this is probably due to the lack of a proper working gem lvling feature. this feature gets reworked sooner or later. just have a try and switch gem lvling off.

yes, thanks for advice. Try it but doesn't help for me.

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hmm. thats strange.

i rem a problem with auras, which had a random walk around before casting. but thought this was fixed long ago. lets hope something else got a solution or the devs have a look at this thread.

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