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Option to open chests

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Hi there,

i wish i would have a option to configure the Bot to open chests - and just chests not like now with barrels and these things. this would be really nice.

because the bot sometimes stuck on that barrels in docks. besides they are not efficient.

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guess its better if the bot doesnt get stuck than just not opening them.

@ Natheedo

a bot will never be efficient. its effective cause its running the same old shit over and over again without getting bored.

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doesnt matter how much currency is inside a barrel/chest. its less effort to open barrels/chests than killing mobs...

also dont give a fuck on efficiency. its just making things complicated and buggy.

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Fist post for me and i'm happy to contribute a little to the improvement of this great bot.

I'm not checking the "open chest" option cause it wastes a lot of time for the bot to break barrels.

Is it possible to make a difference between chest and destroyable objects like barrels ?

If not, would it be possible to tell to the bot that if it's not doing anything for x seconds, (it could be blocked by barrels), execute the skill n°Y ?

This skill will destroy the barrels and the bot will continue its run.

Best regards.

PS : Sorry for my english.

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