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Revamp of the Stashing System + more recipes

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I'm wanting a revamp of the stashing system to make it overall way more human like but more importantly much better over time.

What I'd like is the ability to define what tab each item in the picket goes to, obviously this could still be blanket stash by assigning all uniques to one tab, all gems to another, all cards to another, all rares to another... etc

Currently the picket has items like:

[Type] == "Portal"
[Category] == "Map" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Rarity] == "Unique" # [StashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Albino Rhoa Feather" # [StashItem] == "true"

What I'd like it changed to look like would be:

[Type] == "Portal" [StashTabs] == "3"
[Category] == "Map" [StashTabs] == "4"
[Rarity] == "Unique" [StashTabs] == "1, 2"
[Type] == "Albino Rhoa Feather" [StashTabs] == "5"

It would need some picket lines for chaos recipes, currency and several other things but that shouldn't be hard at all, just reuse the current code and instead of making it check the config file/gui make it check the picket file.

[Category] == "ChaosRecipe" [StashTabs] == "6, 7"

To humanize this more you should do it so it to cycle through stash numbers in a random order, comparing the found items with the picket and then any item that has been found to go into the current stash number would be stashed.


To humanize this more, you could add a 95%~ chance of stashing each item on it's first stashing routine and then make it repeat the stashing routine but this time make sure it has a 100% stashing chance.





I'd also like to request some more recipes..


- Automatic recipes for Gavels + Whetstone + Level 1 map to get a chisel.

- Automatic recipes for superior flasks to be collected until the stash tab has 80%+ worth of flasks stored, it should then selectively pick the right flasks to 40%, but obviously it can't be lower than 40% and then sell these to a vendor to get glassblower's baubles.

- The same as above, but for gems could be done too.


I'm sure there are other good vendor recipes that I'm not aware off.

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Why would you want these stupid recipes implementation? It's a waste of time for bot.

For you they're stupid, but for some users they may want them. If you feel it's a waste of time there's no need for you to use that specific feature. That's why it would be an option...


Im not interested recipes but custom stashes tabs should be must have feature for pickit.


I also asked for it months ago https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/7212-using-custom-stash-tab-with-pickit/ 

Yep, exactly. It would make the stashing system way customization for the user, allowing them to have their stashing exactly as they like and want.

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For you they're stupid, but for some users they may want them. If you feel it's a waste of time there's no need for you to use that specific feature. That's why it would be an option...

Bot's main purpose is to be efficient. These recipes won't make bot more efficient. It is a distraction for both devs and users.

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Bot's main purpose is to be efficient. These recipes won't make bot more efficient. It is a distraction for both devs and users.

A bot's main purpose is to do automated tasks with as much efficiency as possible yes, this is efficient.

If someone wants lots of chisels or glassblowers baubles then this is very very efficient for them, just because you don't need a use for it doesn't mean others won't need a use for it.

I could say the exact same thing about clearing corrupted areas or activating essences or many of the other options, just because I don't use them doesn't mean they shouldn't be an option for the users.

It's not distracting for users, they can simply decide yes or no for that option/feature.


It's also not distracting for developers either as the logic behind both of these is pretty simple and easy; especially comparing the complexity to the likes of chaos recipe and as such shouldn't take long at all to add.


The bot isn't open source as as such I can't dive into the code and tweak to my liking, that's why options like this should be available.

Edited by DSRyan

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